Monday 7 May 2012

Tomlinson Blames the Former Town Treasurer

At the May 4, 2012 council meeting, former mayor Jeff Johnston asked Mayor Paul Tomlinson and Deputy Mayor Louise Wadsworth (who is also the Budget Coordinator) why the "Budgetary Control" document of March 31, 2012 showed a transfer from Reserves of over $2.2 million and where was this money actually coming from since the entire Kearney Reserves was only about $1.5 million.

Neither Tomlinson nor Wadsworth could answer the simple question. 

After Wadsworth fumbled around and rustled her papers for a while in the hope that everyone would get tired and go home, Tomlinson swooped to her rescue and explained this was probably "an odd accounting process applied by [the recently departed Town Treasurer]". Whew! The Town's in great shape after all! Thanks again, Paul! It's such a relief to know that it's someone else's fault. Again.

But ask yourself this: If the Mayor Tomlinson and Deputy Mayor Wadsworth, who created this budget, can't answer the question of the $2.2 million being pulled out your Town Reserves, is it because they haven’t got a clue (scary!) or are they are hiding something they don’t want you to know (scarier!)? 

Now ask yourself this: 

Are you surprised?

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