Saturday 19 May 2012

Proudfoot's Cindy Varcoe continues to feel backlash

Not surprisingly, we weren't the only ones offended by Stikeman Elliott LLP's Cindy Varcoe and her position on the genetic quality of Kearney's residents. We blacked out the identifying information here because the email wasn't sent directly to us, but forwarded by someone else.
Ms. Varcoe continues to deny that she sent the offending email from work, but Stikeman Elliott LLP could easily confirm this with their server logs. To paraphrase Mayor Tomlinson, "You can fool some of the people..." (We say "paraphrase" because Tomlinson mangled the quote when he used it)

From: ____________________
To: *
CC: **
Subject: An embarrassment for your firm
Date: Thu, 17 May 2012 19:48:29 -0400
Dear Ms. Lawrence:

As the media contact for one of Canada’s highly recognized and respected law firms, I am writing to advise you of a potential embarrassment to the reputation of your firm.

One of your employees, a Ms. Cindy Varcoe, recently submitted a letter using your company’s email system to complain about a situation that occurred in a recent Council Meeting in the Town of Kearney, Ontario, where I believe that Ms. Varcoe is a property owner.

I draw your attention to what was posted on the website:
Stikeman Elliott LLP Offers Their 2 Cents
We received this email from Stikeman Elliott LLP spokesperson, and Grass Lake (Proudfoot) resident property owner, Cindy Varcoe:

As a former Mayor's son, you ought to be ashamed of yourself for engaging in such conduct. Kearney is a lovely town with a bright future - except for all the inbred idiots up there!

Cindy Varcoe 
Stikeman Elliott LLP

It would appear that she is speaking and expressing herself on behalf of your firm.   I would suggest that calling any person or persons “...inbred idiots....” is extremely offensive.   I am drawing this to your attention because I am sure that you will be as shocked and appalled as I am.  This type of stereotypical typecasting in today’s inclusive society is abhorrent.

The terminology that your employee has used lacks integrity and I am positive that it is certainly against the values and vision of your firm.  I trust that you will take the appropriate remedial action.

Kearney, ON

* Diana W. Lawrence  - National Director, Marketing & Business Development
** Roderick F. Barrett  - Managing Partner 

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