Sunday 30 September 2012

Skelton back-pedals fast!

From: "Jim Skelton"
To: Concerned Citizens
Cc: "Paul Tomlinson " ,
    "Steve Sainsbury" ,
    "Ken Ball" ,
    "Art Murdy" ,
    "Barry Dingwall" ,
    "Louise Wadsworth "
Subject: Molnar...
Date: Sun, 30 Sep 2012 14:41:06 -0400

The vote thing was just a shot in the dark…appears to have hit the Bull’s Eye!

Thanks for the confirmation.

Stalking!!  Don’t get your hopes up…

Enjoy the rest of your day!


Suuuuuure, Jim. A shot in the dark. Just like how Dingwall's friend James Milner just took a shot in the dark about confidential legal correspondence to Council? Just a bunch of Amazing Kreskins up there in Proudfoot.

Guess we Townies ain't city-smart like you Proudfoot folk, huh? Had it all wrong 'n' such.

You enjoy the rest of your day, too!

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