Saturday 29 September 2012

More mail

I would like to applaud Mr. Molnar. I would like to meet you one day and shake your hand for a job well done. Please don't stop writing the blog.
It keeps a lot of people informed of what is going on, with not only our wonderful Mayor and council but also others like Mr. Hess and Mr. Skelton.
Oh and speaking of Mr. Hess, I bet he is enjoying having some of the heat taken off him.
One more note:

Dear Mr. Tonge,
Thank you for your email concerning Mayor Paul Tomlinson.  I certainly appreciate your concerns.
I understand that Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing officials have been made aware of this issue.
As a separate level of government, the province has very little authority to intervene in municipal matters.  Some frequently asked questions about the province's jurisdiction in municipal affairs are answered on the Ministry's website at the link below: 
Please be assured that I am being kept apprised of this matter.  I do hope it is resolved soon, and to the satisfaction of Kearney residents.
Thank you again for sharing your concerns with me.
Norm Miller, MPP
Parry Sound-Muskoka

I have not and will not be afraid to post my name. The only thing I ask is not posting my email address as I am not looking for a tonne of Grass and Loon Lake hate mail.
Bill Tonge

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