Tuesday 25 September 2012

More Skelton rantings...

Dear Blog Master Supremo

By allowing ‘anonymous’ persons to post unfounded allegations against private citizens you clearly define yourselves. [Wow! There's the pot calling the kettle black!]
In short you are in violation of your own responsibilities in running a blog.
You might wish to either remove the post below or have the individual identify himself/herself so we can meet on my family property and witness a paid for inspection (by me) involving the North Bay Mattawa Conservation Authority.

Jim Skelton
(Paul Tomlinson's Pet Fish)

Dear Jim,

If a writer wants to remain anonymous, we respect that. If a writer wants to sign his psychotic, drunken rants with his own name, we respect that, too. 

And we'll happily publish a copy of your septic inspection. If you ever actually get one. We've been hearing from some several knowledgeable sources that your leaching bed encroaches on the shore allowance.

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