Tuesday 4 September 2012

Mayor Paul Tomlinson Faces Censure

From the agenda for the Council Meeting scheduled for Friday, September 7, 2012:

13. Other Business 

(a) Resolution Re: Motion of Censure

WHEREAS Mayor Paul Tomlinson has been found in contravention of By-law 2010-31 being a By-law regarding Violence and Harassment in the Workplace, specifically in this instance, Harassment and Bullying

AND WHEREAS this Council believes these actions fall below the standard of conduct which are expected of a member of Council

AND WHEREAS notwithstanding the Mayor’s letter of apology to Council and the Complainant

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT this Council formally expresses its censure of Mayor Paul Tomlinson for his conduct in this matter.

Censure isn't much more that an official slap on the wrist, but as for the rest of it...

Are you surprised?

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