Saturday 8 September 2012

A Concerned Citizen Writes Us

I would like to say I was happy to see the motion put forward tonight for the resignation of the Mayor(word used loosely).
I was also happy to see that the majority of council finally understands the ongoing problems that this mayor is going to cause.
Of course no surprise was the no votes (thanks to Dingwall and Wadsworth).
Poor Barry couldn't get the video camera to be turned off. Better luck next time.
Now to all the people that think this assault of Jeff Johnston Jr. was "coming to him" or "deserved", I put this to you... No one deserves to beat in front of his or her family. You people need to grow up. It's not bad enough that there are lawyers on here calling locals "rednecks", now you promote beat downs. You should also think about who is going to pay the bill for Tomlinson's lawyer when a civil suit starts. You will be dumbass!
After the meeting I came home and wrote 3 lengthy emails, one to Andre Marin (look him up*), one to Norm Miller and one to Tony Clement. I wish to see this mayor forced from his position seeing he doesn't want to go willingly, as I am sure does many residents of Kearney.
Please withhold my email address from this post. You may post my name.
Thank you.

Bill Tonge
We're just dying to find out who leaked confidential town information to Barry Dingwall's neighbour, James Rhys Milner (the alleged assailant). As we understand it, Milner knew of a letter to the town's legal counsel three days after the town received it.

* Andre Marin is the Ombudsman of Ontario

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