Saturday, 29 September 2012

Can you guess who wrote this?

We were digging though some old material and found this:

"...I would therefore respectfully request that our Mayor do the honourable thing and resign from Council in an attempt to restore Council's integrity and the Town's reputation.

We do not need more headlines in the press nor scathing editorials and must restore the confidence of our ratepayers in Council's leadership of their affairs which we have been entrusted.


Guess who wrote it.
You won't be surprised.


So who wrote it? Paul H. Tomlinson. The "H" stands for hypocrisy. During the last term, Councillor Paul Tomlinson emailed that to his entire address book after Mayor Johnston:
  1. Bullied and harassed town staff?
  2. Bullied and harassed townspeople?
  3. Failed to declare a conflict of interest when a personal friend asked council for a fee waiver (and then came back for more favours), then lied about it?
  4. Stuck his tongue out at a member of the public before allowing him to be unlawfully ejected from a public meeting?
  5. Insulted townspeople with expressions like "Here comes some more trash"?
  6. Killed funding to the local food bank during times of severe hardship for locals?
  7. Gave himself two pay raises in two years?
  8. Disrespected our MPP, ensuring that he naver came back to Kearney, then lied about it?
  9. Disrespected our neighbouring town of Perry, ensuring that we have to pay for our own CBO at triple the cost, then lied about it?
  10. Created ill-conceived by-laws that end up being rescinded?
  11. Introduced a tax cut for his friends despite it bankrupting the town?
  12. Secretly photographed and video-taped townspeople?
  13. None of the above.

None of the above. Tomlinson demanded Johnston's resignation as mayor after the latter stepped down from three committees*. Wow! That's totally worse than all that stuff Tomlinson's done! So will Tomlinson hold himself to the same standard and resign for items 1 through 12? Of course not. As the Proudfoot Four Three regularly demonstrate, they love to talk-the-talk but never want to walk-the-walk.

* While Mayor Johnston may have vacated his seat at committee tables, as mayor he would have remained an ex officio member of all town committees. Committees don't make policy either. Instead they bring recommendations to Council who discuss and vote on the recommendations. Mayor Johnston would still have been an active participant in the process, so vacating a seat on a committee really has little impact in the grand scheme.

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