Saturday, 29 September 2012

And more mail

Dear Concerned Citizens:
As a taxpayer and a concerned citizen of our town I wish to put a thought forward in regards to the costs that our mayor has cost us in the past and will in the future.  I do not know what Municipal Laws are  in regards to taking his honorarium from him, along with all costs incurred while he is still in office.  We now are faced with legal fees which obviously he does not give a toss at what the taxpayers will  have to pay.............................We recently saw democracy at work when 4 of the councillors voted to have Mr. Tomlinson resign as mayor.  It would be interesting to find out if that would be legal to freeze the honorarium, mileage costs etc.  I have never ever seen a mess like this before.  Maybe, Mr. Tomlinson should be held responsible for the money that everyone is losing in their investments (property)  in our town and be prepared to buy us out.  Food for thought.  This mess has to be cleaned up and fast.
I wish for my name to be anonymous, Thank you.

Mayor Tomlinson (and the others of the Proudfoot Four) have enjoyed TWO pay raises in as many years, all the while sucking money out of the Reserves just to keep Kearney treading water. During the last term Barry Dingwall yelled long and loud that our taxes were so high (although Skelton and his merry men wanted them higher!) because of the honoraria paid to the mayor and council. But now that Dingwall et al have their faces in the trough there's no longer any mention of the honoraria.

Are you surprised?

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