And Skelton Keeps On Writing
Dear Councillors ALL:
A few thoughts on “Petitions”…
I understand there is one with 381 names on it! [No, Jim. It was OUR poll in the right-hand column had 381 votes. We don't know how many signatures are on the petition. Nice try though.]
If it’s the one I observed recently floating around town on the bloated ego of our former Mayor…the Distinguished Blog Master Supremo (aka Jeff Johnston Sr.) then I wonder what you’re going to do with it? [Actually, it's available at several town businesses and the signatories have asked former Mayor Johnston to bring it to council on their behalf.]
But before you jump to kneejerk conclusions take a moment to reflect just what place so-called ‘petitions’ hold in our precious Democracy. [Here we go...]
As background the Petition to put the ‘Wards’ debate in the hands of the OMB was given legal status by statute. The Municipal Act granted the Right and Permission to assemble that Petition.
Interestingly that same OMB grants no similar weight to petitions. They simply table them when presented and provide no comment. [And abolishing the wards-system has allowed a small special interest group to now control the town.]
So is that what you as Council should do too?
Well actually I don’t think so!
And, here’s why…when a petition such as the one in question targets or singles out one of you for sanction in reality it is against all of you! [Okay, let's say, for argument's sake, it's against all of them. It still expresses the will of hundreds of Kearney ratepayers.]
Now you say “What does that really mean?” [It means that hundreds of ratepayers in Kearney think Tomlinson should resign.]
Well a Municipal Council is basically a Unit empowered by Statute…the various roles of the Councilors and Head of Council are rigorously defined but it is still a ‘single’ functioning Unit… [Whatever happened to your rant about "you (former Mayor Johnston), as Mayor, authorized the over taxation of your citizens...? Now you're flip-flopping again and saying that it's a single unit of which the mayor but one voice? Pick one, Jim]
Which means that an attack on One is an attack on All…the concept of ‘joint and several’ comes to mind and is responsibly applicable.
And, here’s the clincher…
Any signatory to the aforementioned Petition is in fact signing in opposition ‘against’ the entire Council.
So what; you ask?
Well here’s the “So-What”…
Councillors are elected and their behavior is governed by an articulated Code of Conduct. [And Tomlinson and Dingwall repeatedly violate the Code of Conduct, but you don't seem to have a problem with that. Why not?]
Council “appointed” Committee Members hold their positions at the behest and mandate of Council.
Obviously if any of the names on the Petition belong to any Council ‘appointed’ committee members then they have indulged in insurrection. [Insurrection: A violent uprising against an authority or government. The only violence we've seen has been against those perceived as enemies of Mayor Tomlinson, who regularly harasses and bullies town staff. Some similar governing styles come to mind...] There are consequence for this – [Proudfooters will beat you in the street! Yes, yes, Jim! We know.]
Council must immediately request their resignation. [As a reprisal for exercising their freedom of speech under the Charter of Rights?]
Otherwise ‘insurrection’ is being condoned by council and a mockery is made of democracy.
Freedom of expression only goes so far….when you attack the very institution that has appointed you; then you should be prepared to resign. [Hear that volunteers (if there are any left)?If you want to exercise your democratic right of free speech and association, you must to resign or face dismissal.]
Failure to do so automatically must lead to outright dismissal.
Over to you Council…Do the Right Thing! [Schnell!]
Good governing…
Jim Skelton
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