Sunday 3 February 2013

More Reader Mail

Dear Concerned Citizens of Kearney:

This is an excerpt from an article that appeared in the Hamilton Spectator several weeks ago entitled “Ford’s judgment awaits at the ballot box”.

This article was written by Howard Elliott.  Of particular interest were the opening comments: “Rob Ford has not been a good mayor in Toronto.  He divides rather than unites. He is disrespectful of council’s will, and for that matter of his own office. He hasn't delivered on most of his ideological commitments – for the most part because they’re unrealistic.”

I ask you does this sound familiar? Same game, just change the name!

We no longer want to live under a “Reign of Terror” or be subjected to “Political Tirades” from certain members of Kearney Council.   We want a return to the Peaceful – "Biggest Little Town" Kearney, the Kearney that we once knew and loved before the political Henchmen Tomlinson took over!

People start shouting from the rooftops your displeasure. Go out to Council meetings and take a Political stance against the atrocity’s that have taken hold of our Beloved Town!  Do it for the future of this town, and your kids.  Let’s restore dignity to Kearney.

I wish to remain anonymous.  Thank you.

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