Monday 7 January 2013

Wadsworth Demoted

Could it be that Mayor Paul Tomlinson has finally had enough with the fiscal ineptitude that Louise Wadsworth has demonstrated over the past two years as Budget Coordinator and Deputy Mayor? An assessment of the damage done to the town’s financial status has even Mayor Tomlinson realizing he needs to rein in his deputy. Or did Tomlinson find out that it was Wadsworth that was letting taxpayers see the draft budget? Or maybe he caught her reading The Blog.

Either way, effective immediately, Deputy Mayor Wadsworth has been demoted back to Councillor Wadsworth. Good move, Mayor Tomlinson. Now just demote yourself down to ex-mayor and we're all set.

As a foot note, it is rumoured that Mayor Tomlinson had considered appointing Councillor Barry Dingwall as Deputy Mayor, but apparently Tomlinson isn't quite that stupid.

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