Monday 21 January 2013

More from Paul Tomlinson's big mouth

We have been informed that Mayor Paul Tomlinson had breakfast the other day at the Iron Skillet in Kearney with his new lawyer Rob Pritchard (of Proudfoot). No wonder Mr. Pritchard thinks Mayor Tomlinson is doing a marvellous job, when it's obvious that Mayor Tomlinson will likely bring lots of legal business Pritchard’s way. 

But the story doesn't end there. Apparently, Tomlinson felt it necessary to have a very public discussion with his lawyer on the harassment and bullying charges that were laid against him by a member of Kearney staff. Tomlinson even went so far as to name the staff member several times in his diatribe to Pritchard. 

Although we now know the name of the staff member who filed the charges of bullying and harassment against Tomlinson, we will not repeat it here. We applaud this person’s courage, and we recognize that such action had to have been taken as a last resort.

So, in a matter of a few weeks, we have Tomlinson declaring in a newspaper interview how he had to fire the previous Town Clerk and now, in a public restaurant in front of total strangers, identifying the staff member who filed the bullying and harassment charges against him.

Are you surprised?

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