Friday 2 November 2012

Reader Mail

Kearney unfortunately has provided itself with justification for Amalgamation - if any other partners would accept. I hope that this Amalgamation option is never considered or deemed necessary.

I expect that Council and staff are aware that the Province set aside 90 Million dollars to facilitate “asset management” in Northern Ontario. Applications for funding to prepare a plan was to be submitted by October 22, 2012. This exercise would be essential for Kearney, as future funding and healthy management is dependent on this exercise.

Asset Management is a combination of management, financial, economic, engineering, operational and best practices applied to physical and human assets with an objective of providing the required level of services in the most cost effective manner. One current estimate is that each and every household in a rural Northern Municipality has a Municipal Asset investment in excess of $100,000.00.

Elwood Varty

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