Friday 16 November 2012

Dingwall and the Duck Lake issue

As most readers know by now, the Grass and Loon Lakes Residents Group (GLLRG) was created in November 2003 primarily to rally opposition to the Duck Lake townhouse development. Mayor Paul Tomlinson and Councillor Steve Sainsbury were founding members of the GLLRG. Councillor Barry Dingwall wasn't a founding member but served on the GLLRG Board of Directors from 2007.

So Dingwall was a director for several years of an organization created to oppose the "Duck Lake Development". So why didn't Dingwall declare a pecuniary interest, as did Tomlinson and Sainsbury, when the Duck Lake issue was discussed by Council? Dingwall may not have been around in the beginning, but obviously supports the GLLRG's mandate, not just enough to become a member, but to seek and secure a seat on the Board of Directors.

Is Dingwall's failure to declare a conflict of interest illegal? Maybe, maybe not. But it's certainly unethical.

Are you surprised?

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