Monday 13 August 2012

The Milner Family Clarify their Position

James Milner, in response to our last post, writes:

IF IT WAS YOU... moron
James Milner

So let's see if we have this right.

Complete stranger is accosted on the street and beaten in front of his family. Milner family calls beating of disabled stranger, allegedly by James Rhys Milner, "an unfortunate event".


Complete stranger is accosted on the street and beaten in front of his family, but stranger might be affiliated with this blog. Milner family approves of beating a disabled man, allegedly by James Rhys Milner, for daring to exercise his right to free speech.

Thanks for clearing that up, James, but either way we have some bad news for you: 

You're not the good guys, James. Good guys don't assault disabled law enforcement officers in front of their families regardless of their political affiliations. That's what scumbags do.

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