Friday 4 March 2011

Tomlinson Boycotts Heritage Day Dinner

We'd like to thank Mayor Paul Tomlinson for making the Heritage Day Dinner at the Kearney Community Centre a fabulous success by failing to show up.

Once again, it's "Where's Pauldo" as Tomlinson snubs the townspeople of Kearney. Rumour has it he was too busy goose-stepping around his living-room with his Chain of Office to take the time to rub elbows with those icky Townies.

Councillor Barry Dingwall almost wrecked the evening by showing up, but fortunately he high-tailed it back to Proudfoot as soon as he realized he wasn't going to get a free meal without having to roll up sleeves and help out.

On a more positive note: The rest of the councillors really pitched in and the evening was a great success! Councillor Steve Sainsbury deserves a special mention for his ever-increasing community spirit. He's been pleasantly surprising us since the election and he really seems to be making an effort to show that he has ALL of Kearney's interests at heart. But we're still a bit gun-shy about the company he keeps. 

Keep proving us wrong, Steve!

As for Tomlinson's no-show...

Are you surprised?

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