Wednesday 9 March 2011

More Broken Campaign Promises

During the All Candidates meeting last Fall, the mayoral candidates were asked what the people of Kearney could hold them accountable for having completed within their first 90 days in office. Candidate Frank Herron offered his commitments and stated he would resign if he could not meet those commitments within the 90 days.

Candidate Paul Tomlinson, now our illustrious mayor, took his turn and, not to be upstaged, pledged:

"I'll go you one further. I'll tell you, in 60 days this is what I will do: I will give direction to our staff for the 2011 budget."

You can watch the clip on YouTube.

So, Mayor Paul Tomlinson was sworn into office on December 4, 2010. 

60 days later: No direction to staff for the 2011 budget.

90 days later: No direction to staff for the 2011 budget.

You lied, Paul. In your arrogance, you bragged that you would get the job done in 60 days instead 90. But 60 days, and 90 days, have come and gone. Will you do the honourable thing and resign as promised? Or were your campaign promises just more bullshit?

We're banking on more bullshit.

Are you surprised?

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