Tuesday 14 December 2010


Word is, Mayor Paul Tomlinson is trying to forbid "his" councillors from reading this blog because we're "full of shit".

Well, first: We're always happy to support what we say and make any corrections if new information comes to light.

And second: Censorship is one of the most common hallmarks of a dictatorship

Kearney's councillors are all grown-ups and free citizens, Paul. They can read whatever they want no matter how badly that scares you. In a democracy we fight information with information and let free citizens form their own opinions.

Tomlinson spent the last four years screaming to the press that Mayor Johnston was a dictator, but now that he's in power Tomlinson's the one who's been violating municipal by-laws, ignoring the democratic process, and trying to control what law-abiding free citizens read. All in his first week as mayor.

Are you surprised?

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