Thursday 9 December 2010

More Tomlinson Shinanigans?

Word is, Mayor Tomlinson is going to start off his term by violating one of Kearney's procedural by-laws. Tomlinson is going to hold his first council meeting this Friday, December 10th and unless it's an emergency meeting, he's violating the by-law that requires that council meetings be held on Wednesdays.

We know that Tomlinson wants to change the council meetings to the weekends to accommodate Kearney's new Weak-end Council, but first council has to vote to change the by-law. But it looks like Tomlinson isn't going to let something like the law prevent him from doing what he wants. 

Unilateral procedural changes. Complete disregard for council rules. Complete disregard for the democratic process. Kinda sounds like a... wait for it... dictatorship!

Unless you want to tell us what the emergency is, Paul.

Are you surprised?

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