Saturday 11 December 2010

Kearney Firefighter Helps Save Couple

When neighbouring Perry Township sent a 911 dispatch, Kearney's Frank Colley, a volunteer firefighter, responded. An elderly couple had fallen through lake ice by their home in Perry Township while trying to rescue their dog. Frank went into the water and, with the help of Perry firefighters, was able to rescue all three from the ice, saving their lives. It made the news on ABAR.

So, has Mayor Tomlinson showered this volunteer firefighter with praise? Bestowed accolades? Offered a hearty handshake? Bought him a Coke?


But Frank did catch Hell for leaving the community centre before the end of his shift to help save three lives!

Remember what we said about being Tomlinson's friend if your house catches fire?

Are you surprised?

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