Thursday, 3 January 2013

Why no Budget Meeting minutes?

With all the controversy that arises from Kearney's Budget Committee - be it the actual budgets or the buffoonery of the committee members and their friends - it's not surprising that they never publish any minutes of their meetings. In fact, "special meetings" of the budget committee are often inserted between publicized meetings with little notice and at inconvenient times to ensure minimal public attendance. Any requests for a draft copy of the 2013 budget will get you labelled an enemy of the state by Mayor Paul Tomlinson. (If you've already made the mistake of asking to see a copy, we suggest you avoid having lunch with your family in establishments frequented by the friends of the Proudfoot Four.)

But the minuting of meetings (council and committees) is required by law, so they must exist. So why won't Louise Wadsworth (Chair of the Budget Committee) make the minutes of her meetings public? Why is Mayor Tomlinson so angry that town staff made copies of the draft budget available to the public? Aren't they proud of the awesome job their doing? Don't they want us all to know how much better off Kearney has been (and will be) with Proudfoot controlling the town?

Or is it that the facts don't support the bullshit they keep trying to baffle us with? 

Or is this how the Proudfoot Four keep tabs on Kearney's citizens who dare to look too closely at their performance?

Just another example of how Proudfoot defines "openness and transparency".

Are you surprised?

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