Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Sorry to keep you waiting, Paul.

Many of our readers read Mayor Paul Tomlinson’s pre-Christmas interview in the January 3rd, 2012 edition of the Almaguin News, and several of our readers submitted their personal takes on the mayor’s fantasies with varied views: “disappointing” (from someone who actually believed in him); “outrageous”; “unbelievable crap”; “delusionary”; “laughable”; “starting to believe his own lies”; “the poor pathetic little man”. And Tomlinson has been wearing out his refresh button waiting for us to write something, so without further adieu let us take a quick look at what His Honour had to say.

“It was all good last year.”In spite of losing the support of his council, being asked by council to resign, being censured by council, being found guilty of bullying and harassing staff (again), being asked to explain a $600,000 deficit, having his tongue’s picture in the National Section of the Toronto Star and in the Almaguin News (on 2 occasions), etc.

“We probably accomplished more to date in our two years of council than ...the previous two terms of council...”, but can then only cite some punitive by-laws his By-Law Enforcement Committee created to nail our poor and elderly. He goes on to try to take credit for the work of others but we'll get to that.

“But, no we have not heard any specific complaints on the sewage inspection program. In fact, it was long overdue and welcome by the majority of the community.” Is Tomlinson really that far out of touch with reality or is he hoping that if he lies often enough those lies will magically become truths? Maybe the Ministry of Municipal Affairs & Housing and NBMCA would be pleased to offer the Mayor a reality check.

Re: CBO “...These are all unfounded complaints... have been dealt with... concerns have been addressed and it’s over and done with... It’s not an issue”. Here he goes from no complaints to unfounded complaints. Is Tomlinson now referring to the 200 signatures on the petition, or is Tomlinson referring to the CBO-inspected foundation that collapsed in Proudfoot, or is Tomlinson referring to the damage the CBO caused to the antique countertop in the Candy Store? Is Tomlinson referring to the many complaints that went to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs & Housing, or is Tomlinson referring to the annual $100,000 cost of our new CBO compared to when we had a shared service with Perry Township at just $35,000 per year.

NOTE: if we returned to a shared CBO for 2013, the $65,000 we save would fund the Kearney Library ($25,000), a rink attendant ($10,000), and plow the sidewalks ($30,000 one time capital investment), and we'd still have improved CBO Services.

“…Unprecedented road construction, that’s the (Highway) 518.” This was a project initiated and funded by the previous council. But if you can't find any example of real personal accomplishments just take credit for other people's work. Right, Paul?

Our reserves... will probably approximate at about $1 million at end of this (2012) yearOh yeah? How can you come into 2011 with an unexpected loss of $621,000 and then need to borrow $200,000 to fund bridge rehabilitation, and still claim $1 million? Let’s wait for the official 2012 Audit Report to know the real truth on this one. But, we do love the way Tomlinson looks us square in the eye and says, "probably approximate at about".

Re: Regatta 2012 not necessarily a good news story“I think it is.” Not sure what the mayor’s criteria are for a “good news story”, but Regatta 2012 certainly wasn’t one. It lost money for the first time, lost attendance, lost events independent of the weather, such as Battle of the Bands, Best Dressed Boat, Children’s Water Sports, Steel Band Orchestra, Kearney Review, and the Street Dance which is a “home coming/community festival event” that draws folks young and old from across the country.

Re: Dog Sled Races big success – what is the difference? A non-response from Tomlinson. The real answer is that Tomlinson did try his controlling antics with Dog Sled Committee as he did with Regatta. The difference? Dog Sled told him to go to hell or else, and Tomlinson had the good sense to back off. Then he turned his wrath and frustrations upon Regatta. Tomlinson’s interference is the difference.

What do you see coming up? There is so much two-faced crap in Tomlinson’s response, it’s not worth trying to paraphrase his response. Suffice it to say, Tomlinson is on record as the strongest critic of the graphite mine and demanded it be shut down and their assets seized for back-taxes. Too bad the graphite mine didn't owe any back-taxes, Paul. Duh.

Anything else in the plan for next year? “…despite a couple of hiccups this year (2012)... there is a lot of catch up... as we agree on a sense of direction...” What??? More than half way in his term, Tomlinson has been so busy systematically dismantling everything built up over the years, he has run out of time to even consider a sense of direction. Meanwhile the Economic Development Committee was cancelled, the Roads Committee was cancelled, the Planning Committee was cancelled, jobs have been cut, funding has been cut, and all the volunteers who had excellent experience and knowledge to offer have been chased off.

There is a faction out there that is in opposition...“If we are talking specifically about the blog...” “...don’t think even half of [council]read it anymore… so outrageous... so misinformed... stuff in there is just ridiculous... bent on a vendetta... against myself... other members of council…” For someone who does not read the blog, Tomlinson seems very preoccupied with the blog. Wouldn’t the simplest and most effective way for Tomlinson to reduce the credibility of the blog would be to matter-of-factly present where the blog is misinformed. The Almaguin News gave Tomlinson an entire page, but instead of taking the opportunity to set the record straight by pointing out where we, and his many critics, have gotten it all wrong, he just resorts to the same old rhetoric. Conversely, we quote from reliable sources including the town own documents, and we provide verifiable facts and numbers. Sure, we like to make sport of the Proudfoot bunch, but we always show our work. We give you real numbers and real sources so you, Dear Reader, can make informed decisions. But all Tomlinson can offer up is the same old, same old.

Do you think that this blog has had any impact on the way this council does business? “No.” “ misinformed it’s ridiculous” “The blog has not influenced council actions behaviour in any way, shape, or form... none of council have in over a year, dignified the blog with response to any of the outrageous lies they are putting in it.” Maybe Tomlinson isn’t keeping a close enough watch on his council. Check again Paul. Councillor Barry Dingwall wrote a wonderful diatribe against us and bloggers as recently as last August (there's no such thing as bad publicity, so thanks for that, Barry). And we noticed you aren’t going around sticking your tongue in people’s faces anymore. Or are you?

What would make you run for mayor? “My job is undone.” If your “undone” job is one of “undoing” you have undone a marvellous job. Virtually everything the town and previous councils, staff, and volunteers have built up over the past 25 years, you have managed to undo in just two. Well undone, Paul.

“I had to outplace our past CAO.” We didn't know what "outplace" means so we looked it up. It means "To terminate a person's employment, but help the former employee to obtain another post". So Tomlinson is once again talking publicly about personal staff issues while pretending that he, while a mere councillor and "just one voice", personally fired the previous CAO. But, if she found a new job, Tomlinson wants to take credit for that, too. Thanks for letting the world know that Kearney's previous CAO was fired, Paul! People love it when you reveal confidential information about them in the local paper.

…members of council were asking you to resign.“It was unwarranted and uncalled for.” Even though he was found guilty of bullying and harassment, gross misconduct, found guilty by the Ontario Ombudsman’s Office for secret meetings, censured, inappropriately demanded $1000 from the town for his misplaced Blackberry, tried to publicly influence the death of the Duck Lake project, etc., etc., etc. This coming from the man who demanded Mayor Johnston's resignation every 10 minutes during the last term. Or was that just “…pure and simple political shenanigans…”, Paul?

“…and the folks in this town won’t forget it.” Damn tootin’, Paul. In less than 20 months your reign of terror and destruction will be over. Only the lawsuits may remain.

There you have it. An entire page in the Almaguin News and all we got out of Tomlinson was a bunch a vague BS about how great he is and how everyone else sucks. 

Stay tuned for Part 2, when we look more closely at Mayor Paul Tomlinson's interview.

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