Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Tomlinson Denies Making Deal

Mayor Paul Tomlinson has been getting into hot water with council after it surfaced that he's been making deals with Huntsville without council approval, something that could get him kicked out of his seat at council. So it's no surprise that at the March 23, 2012 council meeting Mayor Paul Tomlinson denied making any deals with the Town of Huntsville and their Economic Development Officer to pursue funding for the graphite mine. But he hasn't been making deals, he has been... what? Hanging out with Huntsville's mayor and his Economic Development Officer and working with them to secure funding, grants, employment opportunities, etc.? But no deals!

At the council meeting Tomlinson stated:

"No agreement has been entered into because I would have had to come to council for their permission."

"[Huntsville Economic Development officer John Finley] is the grant officer in Huntsville and he knows the ministries and how to turn their crank with respect to motivating grant considerations. That doesn’t require an agreement. He volunteered his time – graciously. He’s also been offering his time to the graphite mine."

"No deals have been struck with Huntsville. No deals were asked for. No deals will be given. John Finley is contributing his time, expertise and knowledge gratis to the town."

Which begs the question: WHY?

Why would the mayor of Huntsville and his Economic Development Officer provide these services for free? Well, Mayor Tomlinson answered that question as well:

"We know there is going to be some spin-offs to Huntsville. That’s only natural. We can’t prevent that."

Or with Huntsville mayor Claude Doughty and his EDO running the show ("...he knows the ministries and how to turn their crank...") will it be Kearney that will have to hope for some "spin-offs"? Or are we expected to believe, as apparently Tomlinson does, that Huntsville will make sure that Kearney's citizens will come first, and Huntsville's second?

Sounds to us like Tomlinson's dancing his usual Proudfoot Sidestep now that he's been caught breaking the rules. Again.

Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!


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