A new petition has gone out demanding the resignation of Kearney Mayor Paul Tomlinson unless he can clean up the financial mess he and Deputy Mayor Louise Wadsworth have created. The main catalyst for the petition is CBO Henry Hess's use of very questionable by-laws to generate income, on the backs of Kearney's citizens, to cover his ridiculous salary.
There is much more than just those two issues but petitioners didn't want to get bogged down at people's doorsteps reading a grocery list of concerns. So instead, we've been asked to post the complete list of issues here.
We believe Mayor Tomlinson must be held accountable for, but not limited to, the following:
- Failing to demonstrate leadership and responsibility, and publicly declaring he is no leader but rather, “only one voice at the council table”.
- Besmirching the reputation of the Town of Kearney by publicly demonstrating a gross lack of respect to our neighbour Perry Township; our Member of Parliament Tony Clement; our Member of Provincial Parliament Norm Miller; and others.
- Demonstrating a callous disregard for the less fortunate of the Town of Kearney, specifically, but not limited to:
- Cancelling the Town’s donations to the Food Bank.
- In bad faith, putting liens on homes if payment of property tax is delayed.
- Cancelling the Town’s gift of Christmas turkey to staff.
- Publicly referring to the Town’s less fortunate as “trash”. [Actually, Tomlinson refers to all of Kearney's "Townies" as "trash". - CCoK]
- Failing to declare, and aiding and abetting councillors who fail to declare, a pecuniary interest in matters before Council.
- In bad faith, endorsing a budget that requires the depletion of the Town’s reserve funds.
- Demonstrating a callous disrespect for Kearney’s volunteers.
- Demonstrating a callous disrespect for Kearney’s senior citizens.
- Demonstrating a callous disrespect for Kearney’s town staff.
- Failing to hold councillors accountable for their lack of interest or involvement in town affairs.
- Advocating and supporting two pay increases in two years for himself and council.
- Arbitrarily replacing the town’s Chief Building Official and the town’s By Law Enforcement Officer with Henry Hess at triple the cost.
- Creating, in bad faith, an arbitrary and illegal septic-system inspection program as a means to generate revenue.
- Failing to pursue funding or grants through the provincial and federal governments, which would ease the tax burden on the people of Kearney.
- Representing the Town of Kearney in business associations with the Town of Huntsville without the consent or endorsement of council.
- Failing to promote tourism in Kearney.
- Failing to promote business in Kearney.
- Failing to promote residency in Kearney.
- Repeatedly, and in bad faith, voting to abolish the Kearney Regatta.
- Arbitrarily and in bad faith eliminating volunteer committees that have driven Kearney’s prosperity.
- Harassing and bullying councillors who oppose him.
- Harassing and bullying citizens who oppose him.
- Secretly, and in bad faith, taking and publicly distributing photos and video of citizens and visitors of Kearney.
- Violating, aiding and abetting, and/or counselling others to violate the:
- Conflict of Interest Act.
- Municipal Affairs Act.
- Trespass to Property Act.
- Criminal Code of Canada.
- Election Act.
- Ontarians with Disabilities Act.
- Building Code Act.
- Etc.
- In bad faith, appointing his friends to the Fire Safety Board, instead of applicants with fire-fighting experience.
- Arbitrarily, and in bad faith removing the Fire Chief’s right to vote at the Fire Safety Board.
- Pitting the seasonal residents against the permanent residents.
- Frequently and regularly lying to the people of Kearney and the media.
- Jeopardizing the health and safety of Kearney’s citizens and visitors particularly children, the disabled, and the elderly.
- Breaking campaign promises including, but not limited to:
- “Prudently manage and maximize the use of taxpayer’s money.”
- “Development of a strategic plan for long term economic growth.”
Are you surprised?
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