Wednesday, 24 August 2011

Tomlinson is at it again

We didn't really expect Mayor Paul Tomlinson to defer to us; That was just a bit of fun on our part.

So it's no surprise that this just popped up on the Town of Kearney website:

But there's a couple of problems with this announcement:

First: It says "CALLED BY THE COUNCIL". Council cannot (legally) call a meeting without a resolution first being passed at a prior council meeting. The mayor is the only one with the authority to call a Special Council Meeting otherwise. So this is yet another illegal meeting or Mayor Tomlinson is trying hide the fact that he called it.

Second: Tomlinson's campaign included changing the meeting times to Friday nights to make them more accessible to cottagers and working locals. But this meeting is at 8:30 AM. Like the last illegal meeting, it looks like Tomlinson is trying his best to discourage the public from attending.

Third: Why schedule a Special Council Meeting in order to hold a closed session when there's a regular council meeting that evening at 7:00 PM? Just have the closed session during that meeting and save the taxpayers $350.00 in honoraria for the morning meeting. Maybe they could donate the $350.00 to the Food Bank instead.

So it's back to the Ombudsman's Office.

Or is it?

After getting their wrists slapped by the Ombudsman's Office, the Proudfoot Four are planning to table a motion at the regular council meeting at 7:00 PM that would allow them to hire a private "Ombudsman" (at the Kearney taxpayers' expense). So instead of having their shenanigans investigated by an objective (and free) provincial Ombudsman, they're going to buy... er... hire their own. 

So there's no money for the Food Bank, but lots to spend on thwarting the efforts of those who try to bring justice to Kearney.

Are You Surprised?

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