Saturday, 20 August 2011

Good News!

Remember when we reported that council will be implementing a 9% municipal tax decrease to offset the 9% provincial property tax increase for the property owners in Proudfoot, and how this would necessitate drawing on reserve funds and bankrupting the town?

Well, good news!

Chief Building Officer Henry Hess, who's already been raking in the cash with his ridiculous building permit "violations", is now the By-Law Enforcement Officer. So now our full-time CBO will have to put in at least 20 hours a week to earn his 40 hours of pay! And Evil Prince Paul has given the Wicked Sheriff of Kearney the thumbs up to ticket and permit the crap out of everything that moves and bring in those big bucks. Except up around Grass and Loon Lake, Henry. Paul has already personally checked those properties and everything there is just tickety-boo (wink, wink)!

So mow your lawn, pull those weeds, clean out that septic tank, hide the dog, tell the kids to keep "the damn noise down", and dust off an old Vote Tomlinson sign to "accidentally" leave leaning against the front porch, cause there's a new sheriff in town.

Resistance is Futile

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