Thursday 21 June 2012

Speaking of Policy Issues

How many times has this council had to back track on stupid policy decisions?

  • Limiting the number of volunteers on committees, then denied doing it.
  • Stealing funds out of Dog Sled and Regatta reserves to help balance the 2011 budget, then forced to put them back when caught by the auditor.
  • Making seniors clear snow from the town's sidewalks in a bylaw passed April 2011, then rescinded September 2011.
  • Recklessly ramming the 2012 budget through in December 2011, then having to table a new 2012 budget at the June 15th council meeting with mysterious new revenues of $1.5 million magically appearing. (see next item)
  • Council now trying to steal funds from the Historical Society and Ball Diamond Charity Fund, neither of which belong to the town. How long do you think it will be before they have to give that back?
  • Septic Inspection Program introduced to raise $10,500 per year in revenue, then backtracked after public outcry over abuse.
  • Blitz on old Building Permits to find "missing" Final Inspections and then charge $150 to do another. This has finally been scrapped and for those who have paid: Demand a refund! Why should you pay the town to do something you already paid to have done?
  • Regatta 2012 Street Dance killed (after several attempts by Tomlinson et al to kill Regatta altogether). The Street Dance funds Regatta, so likely the 2012 Regatta will lose money and need to dip into Reserves. When the Reserves are gone, then what?

But the Proudfoot property-owners associations still yell long and loud that Paul Tomlinson is doing a great job!

Are you surprised?

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