Friday 2 December 2011

Or Is It Tomlinson Who's "Bogus"

In this week's Almaguin News, Kearney Mayor Paul Tomlinson, continues to try and bullshit us about the death of the Kearney Regatta committee:

"...Nor did we restrict the membership on that committee... The issue was that there wasn’t enough staff and volunteers to organize the event. Council never refused to appoint any further committee..."

But remember this?

Just THREE members, Paul. That's the maximum limit you put on the Regatta Advisory Committee. Remember?

And remember when the Proudfoot Four, led by Tomlinson, voted against the 2011 Regatta at the beginning of the year? It was only after the ensuing public out-cry that the motion was re-tabled and Regatta got the go-ahead from council.

"BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Kearney approves the Event 2011 Regatta and further that the format be preserved as it had been in 2010 and previous years.   

Recorded vote requested by Councillor Wills

Ken Ball – Yea

Barry Dingwall –
Arthur Murdy –
Steve Sainsbury – Absent
Louise Wadsworth –
Yvonne Wills – Yea
Paul Tomlinson –

But Tomlinson thinks we're all stupid enough to believe "the current council was very supportive of the committee". Really? 

  • Restricting the membership to just three.
  • Voting against the 2011 Regatta.
  • Placing a staff spy at every meeting.
  • Dictating how much the Regatta committee could spend of its own funds (Tomlinson wanted the additional funds to offset the deficit his Proudfoot-friendly budget will create).

Yah. You're a great guy, Paul! So you stood in the road at Regatta holding a hat after being shamed for your lack of interest in most every other community event. We're sure that everyone who voted for you must be very proud.

Are you surprised?

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