Wednesday 28 December 2011

Enjoy Kearney... from Somewhere Else

So what has Mayor Paul Tomlinson and the new council done to enhance tourism in Kearney? Read all about what Kearney has to offer tourists on the town website:

What are you doing Monday, February 21st for Family Day ? Why not celebrate it right here, in Kearney, on one of our many beautiful lakes??

Please see the links below for information on how you and your family can enjoy a wonderful winter outing!!

File: Discover Ontario Family Day Fishing Click Here to Download
File: Stay Safe On the Ice Click Here to Download

The first file lists lots of great places to enjoy winter activities, including ice-fishing. Kearney is not one of them. Hamilton, Ottawa, North Bay, Collingwood, Blue Mountain... but not Kearney.

Way to boost the tourism industry, Paul. Kearney probably has the only tourism web page on the planet that advertises how great other places are.

So, the Town of Kearney wants you to "...enjoy a wonderful winter outing..." by going somewhere else!

The second file is just a generic safety brochure.

Oh, and February 21st is a Tuesday.

Are you surprised?

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