Tuesday 17 May 2011

Tomlinson Gives DingWall a Taste

Spectators got to enjoy some fireworks at the council meeting on May 13th.

As usual Councillor Barry Dingwall had taken zero interest in reviewing any of the material he had been given for the meeting and demonstrated it to everyone as soon as he opened his mouth. Tomlinson, who hadn't had Councillor Yvonne Wills to slap around (she was absent), popped his cork on Dingwall for "wasting council's time with stupid questions!"

Dingwall, who takes criticism almost as well as Tomlinson, lashed back and Tomlinson had to do a fast back-pedal. All to the delight of the audience who Ooh'd and Aah'd.

Don't worry Paul, Councillor Wills will be back in town soon enough and you'll be able to go back to bullying her.

As for Dingwall; Who can blame him for not reading any of the meeting briefs. What with him so busy volunteering and participating and all...

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