Wednesday 4 May 2011

And still waiting...

Remember this?
Further, you should be aware that I have copies of your blog since inception and unless this blog is taken down within the the next 24hrs its contents will be referred to my legal councel[sic] .


Paul H. Tomlinson
Corporation of The Town of Kearney 

And then what, Paul? 

Tomlinson wrote that almost two months ago and we still haven't heard from his legal counsel, the OPP, the RCMP, or anyone else he's threatened us with over the last year or so.

So, what's our point (other than rubbing Tomlinson's nose in it)? We have two:
You can stand up to bullies like Paul Tomlinson.

And if he can't dazzle you with brilliance, Paul Tomlinson with try to baffle bully you with bullshit.
 It might work on most people, Paul, but we're still here and we're not going anywhere. And we're starting to figure out what you and the Proudfoot Weak-enders are up to...

Stay Tuned.
(This is going to get interesting)

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