Friday, 1 March 2013

More reader mail

It seems to me that Kearney can use an injection of much needed dollars into your local economy. Here is a suggestion: Hold a summit in Kearney of fellow "Mayors of Awesomness". There seems to be an unlimited supply of them and I am sure they would all jump at the chance to gather and share with each other their awesomeness. You could hold a "Largess Forum" where each Mayor could get up in front of an audience (they love the limelight) and expound on their virtues of office. It no doubt would be a sell out. People from communities all over the Province would stream to Kearney for this summit. Just think of the "spinoff opportunities" such as accommodations,  restaurants, T-shirt sales, button and pins featuring the different "Mayors of Awesomeness" which all visitors could collect and/or trade with each other, hot dog carts, daycare providers, parking lot fees, sell or collect and trade "Mayors of Awesomness" trading cards like hockey cards with all the statistics of awesomness on the back. After the "Awesomness Forum"; you could have the people fill out ballots to elect which Mayor has the most awesomeness. You could also get a lottery licence and sell tickets to the crowds on who will win that award. I am sure you could find sponsors who would help support the cost of the award (which could be a medal and ribbon and the medal could feature a tongue sticking out). There could be lots of other events held to give the people a break from too much awesomness which would raise even more money. Should you decide to go ahead with this summit; I would request that the first "Mayor of Awesomness" invitation go to our Mayor of Awesomness...Joe Fontana of London, Ontario. He has some of the qualities that you would expect to find in a Mayor of Awesomeness such as: 1) several charges under the criminal code; 2) nominated himself and the whole council for the Jubilee medal which they all voted on; 3) has raided our reserves to the bare bones to fulfill his election promise of "4 years of no property tax increase"; refusal to resign despite the criminal charges and the citizens call for him to leave. I better leave it at that so as not to embarass your mayor. 
Rick Slee
London, Ontario

 Love it, Rick! Thanks!

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