Friday, 22 March 2013

Concerned, Embarrassed, Ashamed Citizen Writes In

So far we haven't received any mail telling us how Mayor Paul Tomlinson deserves the Queen's Jubilee Medal, but citizens are writing in.

Dear Concerned Citizens,

In the March 21st Edition of the Almaguin News, Mayor Tomlinson proudly displays his Queen’s Jubilee Medal. The Editorial in the same Edition, entitled “Not to be judged”, suggests that Tomlinson played no role in being awarded the Medal, and did the appropriate thing by expressing his appreciation and humbly accepting it.

The flaw in the Editorial reasoning is that Tomlinson humbly accepted the Medal before he learned that the Medal was intended for all members of council and staff who collectively contributed to the betterment of the community. Whether Tomlinson was humbled or appreciative is irrelevant once he learned of the misunderstanding. What Mayor Tomlinson should have done when learning of the misunderstanding, was show true appreciation for all of those who contributed and then shared the honour of the Medal as Council’s resolution proposed.

But, we have seen very clearly that Mayor Tomlinson is not an honourable nor generous individual. He is a bully and harasser. His tongue has been plastered across newspaper pages across the country. And there is clear evidence that he is driving the Town of Kearney into a financial hole.

Tomlinson's insistence on keeping the Medal, knowing full well he is undeserving, is comparable to someone purchasing the Victoria Cross in a pawn shop.

Dear Mayor Tomlinson, You can strut around all you want but all it accentuates is what a pompous ass you are.

Thank you,
A Concerned, Embarrassed, Ashamed Citizen of Kearney

We wouldn't say that it's "comparable to someone purchasing the Victoria Cross in a pawn shop", but it's certainly comparable to someone purchasing the medal then giving it to Tomlinson. We, as does Rob Learn of the Almaguin News, could point the finger of blame at the FCM for their shotgun nominations but Tomlinson has no excuse for accepting a medal he knows he does not deserve.

If someone gives you stolen property and you accept it, knowing it's stolen, you've committed a crime. Similarly, if someone denigrates the honour of the medal by handing them out like candy and you know that you've done nothing to deserve the honour, then you are also guilty of denigrating that honour. Several mayors, not willing to be a party to this farce, have done the honourable thing and have returned their medals. Meanwhile, Mayor Paul Tomlinson tweets about his and posts pictures online. We noted as well that his Worshipfulness didn't declare a conflict of interest when Council voted on the issue.

Are you surprised?

Saturday, 16 March 2013

'Just-One-Voice' Tomlinson says medal is well deserved

As you know, Kearney mayor Paul Tomlinson, like 1500 mayors across Canada, received a Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal. Most mayors across Canada immediately realized that the medal was intended to recognize municipal councils merely for being in good standing with the Federation of Canadian Municipalities, who nominated them. The only reason the medals were awarded in the mayors' names was because groups could not be nominated, e.g. municipal councils. Other mayors felt that the medal's worth was diminished by being blanket-awarded to municipalities and went a step further by returning the medals. After all, who would accept a medal they hadn't earned?

[Pause for effect]

Kearney Mayor Paul Tomlinson has declared that he will not return the medal because he personally earned it!

Are you surprised?

So we ask (AGAIN):

What does Mayor Tomlinson believe is his "significant contribution" or "achievement" that personally earned him this honour? Was it this?

Tell us, Paul. And we'll post it here.

Thursday, 14 March 2013

Kearney Still Closed For Business

The Proudfoot Bunch have been trying to convince everyone that The Concerned Citizens of Kearney blog will scare away potential investors because we've been exposing the red-tape and roadblocks this Council has been throwing at everything. We warned that the Proudfoot Bunch's "Can't-do" attitude was driving away business and investors, but it's easier for the Proudfoot Bunch to try to shoot the messenger than take any responsibility for the tailspin Kearney is in.

It's not The Blog however, that drove the Trailside Adventure Company out of Kearney, it was Mayor Paul Tomlinson's red-tape, piled on by the shovelful by his CBO Henry Hess.

Trailside Adventure Company owner, Robin Carson told the Almaguin News, "We have tried to grow in Kearney but we haven’t been very successful at that. We have just had too many roadblocks so when this opportunity came we jumped at it." Referring to their decision to close shop in Kearney and move to Emsdale where they were "welcomed with open arms" instead of a bureaucratic nightmare.

Not once in the article is the Big Bad Blog mentioned as a reason for the business moving.

Are you surprised?

Friday, 1 March 2013

More reader mail

It seems to me that Kearney can use an injection of much needed dollars into your local economy. Here is a suggestion: Hold a summit in Kearney of fellow "Mayors of Awesomness". There seems to be an unlimited supply of them and I am sure they would all jump at the chance to gather and share with each other their awesomeness. You could hold a "Largess Forum" where each Mayor could get up in front of an audience (they love the limelight) and expound on their virtues of office. It no doubt would be a sell out. People from communities all over the Province would stream to Kearney for this summit. Just think of the "spinoff opportunities" such as accommodations,  restaurants, T-shirt sales, button and pins featuring the different "Mayors of Awesomeness" which all visitors could collect and/or trade with each other, hot dog carts, daycare providers, parking lot fees, sell or collect and trade "Mayors of Awesomness" trading cards like hockey cards with all the statistics of awesomness on the back. After the "Awesomness Forum"; you could have the people fill out ballots to elect which Mayor has the most awesomeness. You could also get a lottery licence and sell tickets to the crowds on who will win that award. I am sure you could find sponsors who would help support the cost of the award (which could be a medal and ribbon and the medal could feature a tongue sticking out). There could be lots of other events held to give the people a break from too much awesomness which would raise even more money. Should you decide to go ahead with this summit; I would request that the first "Mayor of Awesomness" invitation go to our Mayor of Awesomness...Joe Fontana of London, Ontario. He has some of the qualities that you would expect to find in a Mayor of Awesomeness such as: 1) several charges under the criminal code; 2) nominated himself and the whole council for the Jubilee medal which they all voted on; 3) has raided our reserves to the bare bones to fulfill his election promise of "4 years of no property tax increase"; refusal to resign despite the criminal charges and the citizens call for him to leave. I better leave it at that so as not to embarass your mayor. 
Rick Slee
London, Ontario

 Love it, Rick! Thanks!