The Kearney Budget Committee is in the process of developing the 2013 budget. We have had an opportunity to review the draft and our preliminary findings are not only disappointing in terms of sound financial planning but very alarming in terms of fundamental principles being violated. We will be doing a more thorough analysis over the next few weeks, but here are some preliminary concerns:
- Operating Revenue the same or probably less from 2012 to 2013. See next point.
- Tax rate increase of 3% doesn’t meet average property assessment decrease of 5%. In other words, the tax rate will go up but property owners will still pay less because of the new assessments, so the Town will receive less revenue.
- Town debt increased by $200,000 because a loan is required for bridge repairs in 2013. In the past, bridge (and other infrastructure) repairs have been covered by Reserve Funds but they've already been depleted to pay for shortfalls in 2011 and 2012.
- A 2012 deficit is projected in spite of drawing from Reserve Funds to balance the 2012 Budget.
- For the third year in a row, nothing is budgeted to go into Reserve Funds in 2013, which will mean more borrowing for repairs to other infrastructure.
- We still have a $100,000/year CBO who only brings in about $28,000 in building permit and inspection revenues.
- And the list goes on.
But, one of the most alarming changes in the 2013 Budget is the removal of the entire funding for the Kearney Library. The Town of Kearney has always funded the operation of the Kearney Library and because of that, we have an up to-date, well managed library with healthy Reserve Funds for new books, new equipment, children's educational programs, etc.
In 2012, the Town’s funding for the Kearney Library was $25,360.00. For 2013, the library's funding will be ZERO! The Budget Committee's solution: The Kearney Library will just have to pay for its 2013 operating costs by using the library’s Reserve Funds. Of course, the Budget Committee doesn’t refer to it as the "Reserve Funds" in the budget. Instead they try to hide it with another of their usual flim-flams and list it as the “library accumulated surplus". If you can't dazzle 'em with brilliance...
You may not always agree with what you read here but if there is one cause everyone needs to pay attention to it is the preservation of the Kearney Library. You need to speak up and make your voice heard. The 2013 Budget is still in its draft stage. Tell Council they need to stop this madness while there's still time. Stop the catering to special interest groups on the backs of the townspeople and our children!
We are already losing our Community Festivals and the beautiful pavilion at Lions Park. We cannot allow our library to die as well!
"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."
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