Tuesday, 7 August 2012

A Horrified Wife Tells Her Story

This email needs no introduction. 

I feel I have to send this email as I can't stop thinking about what happened and how much it disturbs me.
I was in Burke's Falls having an early dinner with my family on Sunday, August 5th, and when we came out of the restaurant, a man sitting alone on the patio, drinking by himself, started saying negative things to us and swearing..  He called us cowards, and was saying he knew where we lived and where my husband works. My young step-daughter was with us and heard everything he said and he was swearing and being quite offensive.  In her words...."He was scary". He also said something to my elderly Mother-In-Law and Step-daughter inside of the restaurant, near the washrooms, before this all took place.
We had no idea what he was talking about and we asked him who he was.  He would not give his name but said he was "Our Worst Nightmare" and threatened to see us at our home address and he stated that exact address.

I took my step-daughter down the street, away from there to get her away from this creep, and did not want her anywhere near him because he was obviously a hot-head and out of control.
From down the street, I watched and saw him shove my husband and then hit him repeatedly, pushing him onto the street into oncoming traffic on Ontario Street.  My husband tried to hold him away, without hitting back, and this guy continued to hit and kick my husband in the face.
Finally, a passerby helped pull off the assailant, with the help of family, but my husband was still being dragged and kicked by the assailant.
My husband never fights and I have never been one to fight ever, but when I saw what the assailant was doing to my husband on the street, punching and kicking, I wanted to run up there and attack the assailant myself and kick him in the head, just to get him to stop beating my husband.  I was furious and scared at the same time!   
The only thing that stopped me from  running to the scene, was the fact I couldn't leave my 9-year-old step-daughter there alone on the street, and I couldn't bring her up closer to the scene, as she was already traumatized by the whole event.
I'm glad to say the asshole was charged and I wouldn't be surprised if he has done this kind of thing before.
I have never written the blog before, but I'm absolutely pissed with these people (and you know who you assholes are).... 
[Mrs. Johnston]

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