Wednesday, 2 May 2012

"Hess and Tomlinson Have to Go!"

Another concerned citizen wrote us:
To: Concerned Citizens of Kearney
After many months now of sitting back and reading about the imminent demise of our wonderful little Town it makes me wonder if I want to continue owing property here!  After reading about the concerns of local Real Estate agents and the declining property values, paperwork going "missing" or never done at the town office for Final Inspections on properties is alarming to say the least!
This Council and their henchman (Henry Hess) have got to GO! After reading the post from John Canning, I feel that it is another nail in Kearney`s coffin. This town could certainly use new business and investment – and yet this council apparently won`t even work with individuals to make this happen. I had been contemplating building a new garage and possible addition to our cottage – however, this will not be happening as long as this council is sitting on their thrones!  I know that I am not alone in this thinking - I am certain there are thousands of dollars in lost revenue for building permits for Kearney all because of this current Council and CBO.
I wonder what would happen if the Town was served with a Class Action Law suit by those individuals that had been previously issued building permits by Mr. Schaeffer and are being impaired by Mr. Hess and has now ended up costing them more money?
This new plan to inspect septic systems is also alarming. Especially when at the last Council meeting in April they (council) were asked point blank exactly what hat Mr. Hess would be wearing when he entered their property. The response from our Malicious Little Mayor was that Mr. Hess must do his job as both Septic Inspector AND CBO, which means that through his grinning little teeth Tomlinson means that he can do whatever he wants on your property. Now you can rest assured that he will do his very best to find something that needs to be done to cost you some money in order to pay his overpriced salary! I believe that this is unconstitutional and an invasion of privacy! I can certainly agree with those properties which are in obvious need for inspection (i.e. complaints of odour from neighbours, ponding or obvious problems), but to have the right to just walk onto your property to `nose`around – pun intended - without "just cause" is just plain trespass in my opinion! Who pays the deductible when Mr. Hess inspects your septic – says that all is OK – then a property gets sold and an inspection deems the septic is in fact, not OK and repairs or replacement is necessary? Is the town liable? 
It feels like this town is being run by Martial Law! 
I certainly hope that the petition you mention that is circulating will be sufficient proof to Mr. Tomlinson that he needs to GET OUT OF HERE and take Mr. Hess with him! Where do I sign??!
A Concerned Citizen
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