Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Another Concerned Citizen Writes In

Dear Concerned Citizens:

It would appear that based on the upcoming Council Meeting on May 25th - that Council intends to pass an amendment to one of our By-laws:  Is Kearney living in a Totalitarian State?  When something that this Council doesn't like they simply write or amend a by-law to prohibit it?  What happened to the openness and transparency of government?  I wonder what Canadians would say if our Federal or Provincial Governments adopted the same policy and discontinued their broadcasts of their Council and Parliament meetings?  In fact, most municipalities have cameras in meetings so that those that cannot attend - like the disabled - can at least view the proceedings.  Instead of hiding behind this bylaw so that those that are infirm can no longer at least be party to the "goings on" of this Council - they should be making steps forward and in fact installing cameras so that webcasts of these meetings could be made MORE public for those that can't attend!!!  I know several people personally that would love to be able to attend - but since these meetings are held at the most inopportune time for many cottagers - they cannot.  

Wake up Paulo!!!  Step into the new age of electronics!  Maybe you should take a good hard look at who pays the majority of the taxes here in Kearney!  Cottagers that own lakefront property - that's who!  Remember that you chose to run for this office and are subject to public scrutiny - all members of council were aware of their duties and responsibilities to the electorate when they ran for their positions.  Recording a PUBLIC official, in a PUBLIC place is the right of every citizen.  

And remember - that any bylaw that is created by this town is still subject to being tested by our justice system.  I would suggest that this amendment flies in the face of our constitutional rights!

Disgraceful is what comes immediately to mind!

The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Kearney 
intends to amend the Procedural By-law 2011-69 at the Council meeting of May 25, 2012 as follows:
Definitions:  various
Regular Meetings
Section 5.2 (a)  Permanent start time of Regular Council meetings
Agendas and Supporting Material
Section 9(3)(1.) Call the meeting to order followed by A Moment of Silence for Deceased Members of the 
Conduct of Members of Council, Committees and Staff and Conduct of Guests and Those in 
Sections 12 & 13 Prohibit use of individual electronic recording devices and mobile devices in meetings
Prohibit use of indecent, offensive, threatening, abusive, belittling or insulting

I strongly encourage all citizens of Kearney to attend this meeting and voice their concerns regarding this blatant attack on Democracy!!!


Please with hold my name and email address, thank you!

Council Confirms Videotaping Was Permitted

While Kearney Mayor Paul Tomlinson and Deputy Mayor Louise Wadsworth refuse to apologize to Jeff Johnston Jr. for having him illegally removed for the May 11th budget meeting, council is acknowledging that it has been policy to allow photographing and videoing at town meetings. Unfortunately, the acknowledgement comes in the form of a scramble to amend town by-laws making it illegal in the future. So much for the openness and transparency the Proudfoot Four screamed for during the last term of council. Now that they're under the microscope they want to reverse everything the previous council tried to do. Here's the notice:

The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Kearney intends to amend the Procedural By-law 2011-69 at the Council meeting of May 25, 2012 as follows:
Definitions: various
Regular Meetings
Section 5.2 (a) Permanent start time of Regular Council meetings
Agendas and Supporting Material
Section 9(3)(1.) Call the meeting to order followed by A Moment of Silence for Deceased Members of the Community
Conduct of Members of Council, Committees and Staff and Conduct of Guests and Those in attendance
Sections 12 & 13 Prohibit use of individual electronic recording devices and mobile devices in meetings
Prohibit use of indecent, offensive, threatening, abusive, belittling or insulting words, profanity or unparliamentary language

It's too bad that the Town of Kearney plans to set democracy back even further, but it's equally as bad that the town needs a By-law to "Prohibit use of indecent, offensive, threatening, abusive, belittling or insulting words, profanity or unparliamentary language". But after seeing the video of Mayor Tomlinson yelling "Bullshit" and sticking his tongue out at Mr. Johnston, and Councillor Dingwall telling a member of the public "You're disgusting!", we have to agree that we can't rely on these two buffoons to govern themselves appropriately and a By-law is a good idea.

Are you surprised?

Saturday, 19 May 2012

Proudfoot's Cindy Varcoe continues to feel backlash

Not surprisingly, we weren't the only ones offended by Stikeman Elliott LLP's Cindy Varcoe and her position on the genetic quality of Kearney's residents. We blacked out the identifying information here because the email wasn't sent directly to us, but forwarded by someone else.
Ms. Varcoe continues to deny that she sent the offending email from work, but Stikeman Elliott LLP could easily confirm this with their server logs. To paraphrase Mayor Tomlinson, "You can fool some of the people..." (We say "paraphrase" because Tomlinson mangled the quote when he used it)

From: ____________________
To: dlawrence@stikeman.com *
CC: rbarrett@stikeman.com **
Subject: An embarrassment for your firm
Date: Thu, 17 May 2012 19:48:29 -0400
Dear Ms. Lawrence:

As the media contact for one of Canada’s highly recognized and respected law firms, I am writing to advise you of a potential embarrassment to the reputation of your firm.

One of your employees, a Ms. Cindy Varcoe, recently submitted a letter using your company’s email system to complain about a situation that occurred in a recent Council Meeting in the Town of Kearney, Ontario, where I believe that Ms. Varcoe is a property owner.

I draw your attention to what was posted on the website:
Stikeman Elliott LLP Offers Their 2 Cents
We received this email from Stikeman Elliott LLP spokesperson, and Grass Lake (Proudfoot) resident property owner, Cindy Varcoe:

As a former Mayor's son, you ought to be ashamed of yourself for engaging in such conduct. Kearney is a lovely town with a bright future - except for all the inbred idiots up there!

Cindy Varcoe
Stikeman Elliott LLP

It would appear that she is speaking and expressing herself on behalf of your firm.   I would suggest that calling any person or persons “...inbred idiots....” is extremely offensive.   I am drawing this to your attention because I am sure that you will be as shocked and appalled as I am.  This type of stereotypical typecasting in today’s inclusive society is abhorrent.

The terminology that your employee has used lacks integrity and I am positive that it is certainly against the values and vision of your firm.  I trust that you will take the appropriate remedial action.

Kearney, ON

* Diana W. Lawrence  - National Director, Marketing & Business Development
** Roderick F. Barrett  - Managing Partner 

Friday, 18 May 2012

Cindy Varcoe Tries To Do Damage Control

Barry Dingwall's neighbour (in Proudfoot and Toronto), Cindy Varcoe writes:

This will confirm that my comments posted on your blog were sent by me in my personally capacity as a property owner in the Town of Kearney.  My comments were not posted by me as a spokesperson for my employer, Stikeman Elliott LLP.  I am not a spokesman for Stikeman Elliott LLP and am not authorized to make any statements on its behalf.

It is imperative that you amend your blog to remove the unauthorized reference to Stikeman Elliott LLP immediately.  You may indicate that the comments were sent from me personally from my home e-mail address.

This e-mail is being sent on a confidential basis and is not to be publicized or sent to a third party.

Please make the change immediately and confirm when done.

Future comments from me are to be sent to my home e-mail address as noted herein.

Cindy Varcoe


Get in a bit of trouble at work? Unfortunately, the emails weren't sent from your home email, Cindy,  so we're not going to indicate that. They were sent from the offices of Stikeman Elliot LLP, using Stikeman Elliott LLP's computer and Stikeman Elliott LLP's email server, telling us all about the "inbred idiots" in Kearney.

Here's the raw header off your email:

Received: from TORMAILHUB.int.stikeman.com ([]) by setorfep1.int.stikeman.com with Microsoft SMTPSVC(6.0.3790.4675); Tue, 15 May 2012 10:28:53 -0400
Received: from TORMAILBOX.int.stikeman.com ([::1]) by TORMAILHUB.int.stikeman.com ([fe80::4d31:eb7c:f3df:11f6%11]) with mapi; Tue,  15 May 2012 10:28:53 -0400
From: Cindy Varcoe <CVarcoe@stikeman.com>
To: "concernedcitizens@hotmail.com"
Date: Tue, 15 May 2012 10:28:54 -0400
Subject: Kearney is a lovely town with a bright future - except for all the  inbred idiots up there!
Thread-Topic: Kearney is a lovely town with a bright future - except for all  the inbred idiots up there!

We even traced the IP address to be sure that it belongs to
Stikeman Elliott LLP. It does.

So you're kind of a liar.

We're not surprised.

Wadsworth Just As Adept At Playing The Blame Game

Leave! Or I'll pop a button in your eye!
When asked by the Almaguin News about the police being called to eject Jeff Johnston (jr.) from the Budget Meeting on May 11th, Deputy Mayor Wadsworth was quick to blame staff. According to the Almaguin News, Wadsworth said that according to the information she had, provided to her by town staff, videotaping is not allowed unless recognized by the chair for the purposes of asking a question and taping the response to the question. Wadsworth said she did not look up the policy; she was going on information supplied by staff at the time.

In fairness to Wadsworth, the Almaguin News also reported that town clerk Yvonne Aubichon stated that, while the Town of Kearney does not have a policy regarding video recording at meetings, decorum is addressed in the procedural by-law. Selectively, but we'll get to that.

Ms. Aubichon talks a good game to the press, but she's never objected to the mayor videotaping unsuspecting members of the public. Last year after Mayor Tomlinson posted pictures of the Johnston family on the internet with the intent to generate ill will against them, Ms. Aubichon (and council) was silent. And when Jeff Jr. (after seeing pictures of kids at McManus beach posted on the internet by Mayor Tomlinson) wrote the town seeking assurances that the mayor would not secretly photograph/videotape him or his family, Ms. Aubichon (and council) was silent. Then, Mayor Tomlinson secretly videotaped Jeff Sr. and posted it on the internet and sent copies to council. Ms. Aubichon and council remained silent. This is what's called "tacit approval". If you say nothing and continue to allow the behaviour to continue, then you are tacitly approving of that behaviour. ("All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.")

So Town Clerk Aubichon (whose job it is to ensure council colours within the lines), approves of the mayor secretly taking pictures and video of people at meetings, and out in public. Unless she wants to pull out all those stern memos she's been firing off to Tomlinson that we don't know about. (Retroactive memos don't count).

But this is all moot. According to former mayor Johnston (sr.), the town of Kearney has always allowed photography, video, and audio-taping at town meetings in the interest of an open and transparent government. It is a de facto policy, in that it's not in writing, but rather an officially sanctioned and openly practiced policy, so a policy nonetheless. The previous council even tried audio-taping their meetings, but sound quality was too poor. And as we've mentioned before, Barry Dingwall himself asked council to take the video policy even further and stream meetings live on the internet "in the interest of an open and transparent government" so he's certainly been aware of the policy. Nobody objected to scores of people (including the mayor) videotaping and photographing the All Candidates Meeting in 2010, which showcased Tomlinson, Wadsworth, Dingwall, and others who now sit on council. Although, Tomlinson did make a fuss later when a bit of video surfaced from the meeting and he sent out a mass "Aha!" email, with pictures of one member of the public videotaping someone else, accusing him of "being the blog". Sadly, Paul failed to notice that behind "the culprit" and his family were a pile of other people obviously taking pictures and video and his email amounted to little more than a good laugh all around. Except for "the culprit" and his family who didn't appreciate being publicly denigrated by "Yours Truly, Mayor Paul Tomlinson, Corporation of the Town of Kearney".

Anyway, back to Wadsworth. She and Tomlinson both sat on council during the last term and both know that council allows videotaping. Wadsworth (and the rest of them) also knows that in order to change a policy (even a de facto policy) a member of council must table a motion at a regular council meeting and put it to a vote. If the vote passes, council creates a by-law prohibiting videotaping, etc. Which is probably why she originally gave permission for Jeff Jr. to videotape her meeting. It was only after (here's the bit about "decorum") Wadsworth's husband Cam and his friend Jim Skelton (who were behind Jeff and not being videotaped) jumped up and started yelling about it (quickly followed by Tomlinson and Dingwall) did Deputy Mayor Wadsworth change her mind. But Wadsworth had neither the legal authority to permit videotaping nor to prevent it; It's town policy. Nor did she have the legal authority to have Mr. Johnston threatened with arrest and barred from the community centre. But then, democracy (as is decorum) in Kearney is deader than disco.

And where's Pauldo in all this? He's bravely hiding out in Proudfoot, courageously telling the Almaguin News (via voicemail no less) to leave him alone and go after Wadsworth because she chaired the meeting so it's all her fault. Proudfoot solidarity in action.

Are you surprised?


Thursday, 17 May 2012

The Predictable Proudfoot Propaganda Machine

As we predicted, the Proudfoot Propaganda Machine went into overdrive following the Kearney Budgetary Advisory Meeting on Friday, May 11, 2012. Within days, Mayor Paul Tomlinson put out a notice titled "Notice of Amendments to the 2012 Budget" and blames the entire mess on an "imbalance in the computerized form used to prepare the budget." In other words, we're supposed to think it was kinda just a computer glitch. Shucks, folks! You know them pesky computers can be, with all them dials and whatnot!


So it was just a simple glitch, and for that you needed to meet with the Financial Consultant for 4 hours and try to blame everything on the former treasurer, previous council, and the tooth fairy? No wonder you threw Jeff Johnston out when he tried to videotape the meeting! Pretty hard to bullshit the public if there's a recording of you admitting that you "had to" force a 9.5% tax cut to appease your supporters, "no matter what the cost"!

Speaking of which, we also noticed that Mayor Paul Tomlinson and Deputy Mayor Louise Wadsworth won't be altering that 9.5% tax cut they promised their Proudfoot masters, even though it still means they're going to wipe out about 40% of the Reserves. They tell us in their notice that the Reserves are meant to be used for "unforeseen events such as this". More hooey. Reserves are for unforeseen events like disasters, not screw-ups like arrogantly ramming a budget through before year's end when all the budget information wasn't yet available. The notice mentions this, but not surprisingly Tomlinson and Wadsworth don't take any responsibility for their folly. And if they pull another $580,000 out next year, just to make ends meet, that will leave only $280,000. Well below the "low risk" 20% mark. Then in the following year, another $580,000, which will leave us back where we started: In a deficit.

So they've slowed the town's decent into bankruptcy, but we're still on a collision course. Iceberg straight ahead, Paul...

More to follow, but in the meantime:

Are you surprised?

Click on the image to see the full-size notice.

Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Does Hess get mileage or not?

On May 11, 2012, Kearney Mayor Paul Tomlinson makes it emphatically clear that Chief Building Official Henry Hess does NOT get paid mileage. But the agenda for the Council Meeting on May 18 includes the item "Resolution re: Chief Building Official Mileage".

One Town of Kearney insider confirmed that Henry Hess has been getting paid for his mileage, but it's capped at $6,000 per year. Understandably, she did not want her identity revealed.

Here's another clip we received:

Wish granted, Paul! The video is also available in high definition here.

Stikeman Elliott LLP Offers Their 2 Cents

We received this email from Stikeman Elliott LLP spokesperson, and Grass Lake (Proudfoot) resident property owner, Cindy Varcoe:

As a former Mayor's son, you ought to be ashamed of yourself for engaging in such conduct. Kearney is a lovely town with a bright future - except for all the inbred idiots up there!

Cindy Varcoe
Stikeman Elliott LLP

Thanks, Cindy! We'll be sure to send our thanks to the good folks at Stikeman Elliott LLP for the great job you're doing representing their firm. Law firms love it when employees use the corporate email system to say stuff like "inbred idiots"!

And shame on you, Jeff Jr. for rankling the good folks at Stikeman Elliott LLP! Why can't you be more like that nice boy Paul Tomlinson?

Added bonus: Now whenever anyone Googles "Stikeman Elliott LLP" this website will appear in the search results! Yay!

Footnote: Cindy Varcoe is Councillor Barry Dingwall's neighbour in Proudfoot and in Toronto. Are you surprised?

Monday, 14 May 2012

Tomlinson Apparently Has A Problem With Non-Residents

Here's a clip Jeff Johnston (Jr.) sent us from the Kearney Budget Advisory Meeting on Friday, May 11, 2012. Keep in mind that Jeff is waiting for the police to come. It's two parts: Tomlinson first demonstrates what a Grown-up Boy he is, then he launches into a diatribe about how Jeff is a tax-paying property owner, but isn't a resident of Kearney because he doesn't live here full-time. 

Uh, Paul... You do know that most of your council doesn't live in Kearney, right? But that's not a problem if you're a member of council. It's only a problem if you're a guy in the public gallery who wants to know how you took his town from a surplus of $1.5 Million to a deficit of $600,000 in just 18 months? Was that the main bullet-point of your presentation, Paul?

Just like it's okay for you to exploit the town's policy allowing photography and video at town meetings in bad faith, but as soon as someone, not under your control, exercises that right you (or one of your boot-licks) calls the police!

Two sets of rules: Proudfoot-rules, and everybody-else-rules. Right, Paul? "Kearney Democracy" under your New Order? Well you can try to silence the people, but you can't silence us.

Surprised yet?

Jeff will be posting the entire video from the meeting (or the part he could record before Deputy Mayor Louise Wadsworth had the police remove him), but he wanted to show the context of the pictures we posted on the weekend.

Saturday, 12 May 2012

Johnstons Not The Only Ones Subjected To Mayor's Mouth

The Johnston family isn't alone when it comes to being openly mocked and insulted by the Proudfoot Four.

On March 2, 2012, the Thrales (Lance Thrale ran against Tomlinson in the last election) went to Council with a legitimate building issue and were met with insults and derisive remarks from Mayor Paul Tomlinson and Deputy Mayor Louise Wadsworth. It seems like if you're not with them, they're against you. But don't take our word for it, read about it here in the Almaguin News.

And we all remember when Councillor Barry Dingwall managed to be blasphemous and insult veterans of World War II all in one sentence.

Then there's the time that Mayor Tomlinson, at a town litter collection event, loudly proclaimed to his guffawing buddies "Here comes some more trash!" when one of the town's senior citizen's approached. The press wasn't there for that one, but Tomlinson was loud enough to be overheard by several people.

But Mayor Paul Tomlinson's churlishness has been well know right from the beginning.

Surprised yet?

Former Mayor Jeff Johnston Weighs In

Today, Friday, May 11th, I attended the “2012 Budget Ad Hoc Committee Meeting” attended by Chair Wadsworth, Mayor Tomlinson, and Councillors  Dingwall & Wills, along with 3 members of staff. This was not an uplifting experience;
1) my son accompanied me, attempted to video tape the proceedings for the benefit of those who could not attend, the police were called, and he was forced from the meeting under threat of arrest. Councillor Dingwall encouraged all committee members to file "personal criminal charges" against my son as well. Because he tried to video tape a public meeting.
2) Wadsworth’s husband and Tomlinson's friend Skelton were permitted to yell and holler "Sit down" and "Shut up!" while my son sat quietly, and nothing was said for their bad behaviour. Similarly, Chair Wadsworth allowed Mayor Tomlinson to yell out "Bullshit!" while I asked about the Town's finances and Councillor Dingwall was permitted to call out "You're disgusting!" Parliamentary Procedure only applied to me and my son. Chair Wadsworth ignored everyone else's outrageous behaviour but sternly warned my son that he could not speak unless permitted by her. My son, at the time, was simply trying to answer her questions to him.
3) then the financial bombshell. The Town of Kearney is in deep financial crisis, and this council, under the direction of Mayor Tomlinson, in 16 short months, has taken Kearney’s financial situation from a surplus position with healthy Reserves and minimal debt, to a depletion of Reserves by almost $1.3 million, leaving a scant $800,000 in Reserves by the end of the year. Even this won’t balance the 2012 budget so loans will not be repaid, critical road work will be deferred, Phase 3 of the Hwy 518 reconstruction was already deferred from 2011 ($642,000), and we are now stuck with a CBO whose incremental cost to the Kearney taxpayer during this term of council will be greater that a $1/4 million. 

No wonder Chair Wadsworth had the police remove my son when he tried to record the bad news.

Mayor Tomlinson is looking for someone to blame for the mess, and has started with our former Treasurer, for "accounting errors" and "failure to follow his orders". Then he blamed the previous council (although Tomlinson conveniently omits that he chaired that Council's Budget committee and blew an extra $50,000 on an expensive financial consultant to do data-entry for a few meetings). Then anyone else that wasn't there to defend themselves. Tomlinson admitted to the new consultant that he, Wadsworth, and some other members of council made a commitment to their supporters to reduce taxes at any cost. That is the only campaign promise they seem to be keeping. The tax rate was reduced by 9.5% in 2011 and a similar amount for 2012. With inflation that leaves the tax rate below where it needs to be by about 25%.

Councillor Dingwall captured the essence of the current council perfectly when he said "We need to get something out fast before someone else does!" In other words: We need to whitewash this fast before the truth gets out!

There is a lot more to this horror story, but right now this is about as much as I can stomach. Stay tuned.

Jeff Johnston
Resident of Kearney

Friday, 11 May 2012

An Open Letter to the Almaguin News

From: Jeff Johnston [mailto:___________________]
Sent: May-11-12 16:56
To: Mary Beth Hartill (mhartill@metrolandnorthmedia.com); Rob Learn (RLearn@Metrolandnorthmedia.com)
Subject: Kearney Budgetary Advisory Meeting
Importance: High

Hello, Mr. Learn and Ms. Hartill,

You missed an interesting meeting in Kearney today, and as it turned out so did I.

The Kearney Budgetary Advisory Meeting had been quietly advertised with very short notice and being scheduled for 1PM on a Friday, most people were at work. Council seemed to be expecting a very small turnout as there were only 6 chairs set out for the public. When I arrived, 2 chairs were already occupied by Louise Wadsworth’s husband Cam and Mayor Tomlinson’s friend Jim Skelton, and council was expecting 2 guest speakers, so it was obvious they only really expected a maximum possible attendance of 2 other people to show up. I only attended because I was in town and tagged along with my father, former mayor Jeff Johnston.

I hadn’t intended on recording the meeting but after about 20 to 30 minutes it became apparent that some very bad accounting had gone into the 2012 budget and the consultant was pointing out error after error. Mayor Tomlinson sounded as though he was blaming many of the errors on the town’s previous treasurer. Given that Tomlinson and several others on council have a tendency to deflect blame and whitewash their mistakes, and the consultant was laying a lot of blame, I thought the meeting should be recorded for the benefit of taxpayers who could not attend. Mayor Tomlinson has videoed and photographed members of the public at town meetings, so I saw no reason why I couldn’t video public officials at a public meeting on public property.

Mayor Tomlinson responds to concerns about Kearney's finances
Initially, when Councillor Wadsworth (who was chairing the meeting) realized I was videoing, she did not object but simply wanted everyone to be aware. Jim Skelton and Cam Wadsworth jumped up and started yelling at me although I was only videoing public officials. Councillor Wadsworth didn’t seem to think it was out of order for her husband and the mayor’s friend to be jumping around and yelling. At one point the town clerk (I believe) said she didn’t want to be videoed so I assured her, and council, that I would only video the public officials. Mayor Tomlinson objected and I pointed out that he had set precedence himself by videoing others at town meetings. Things escalated with members of the public and council shouting at each other and Councillor Wadsworth ordered me to stop videoing. I respectfully declined citing the precedence set by Mayor Tomlinson on more than one occasion. She then ordered me to leave the meeting. My father argued that there no bylaw or anything in the code of conduct that prohibits the recording of meetings and I respectfully declined to leave. Councillor Wadsworth accused me of disrupting the meeting, even though I was just sitting quietly in the public gallery, unlike Cam Wadsworth and Jim Skelton. Councillor Wadsworth called a recess and phoned the OPP. In the meantime, Mayor Tomlinson walked up, stuck his tongue out at me and sneered that I didn’t even live here. “I’m a Kearney property owner and taxpayer”, I replied from my seat. “Yah, but you don’t LIVEhere!”, he responded. “Neither does your councillor”, I said, gesturing to Councillor Barry Dingwall, “and that doesn’t seem to be a problem.” So ended that discussion. Shortly after the OPP arrived (2 constables and a sergeant, so Councillor Wadsworth must have really played things up).

The OPP constable I spoke with was very sympathetic and polite and we chatted and worked out a game-plan: I would return to the meeting where I would resume videoing. We expected that Councillor Wadsworth would order me to stop videoing and I would again politely refuse. We expected that Councillor Wadsworth would order me to leave and I would politely refuse. The constable would tap me on the shoulder and I would leave the meeting under his escort. This was ultimately what transpired and the OPP sergeant outside politely cautioned me that if I returned to the meeting I would be charged with trespassing. As I left, I could hear Councillor Barry Dingwall asking the OPP to search my father for any hidden recording devices. As far as I know, nobody complained about Messrs. Skelton and Wadsworth. As I write this, my father has not returned from the Community Centre so I will assume that no secret recording devices were found at he was also permitted to stay. According to the OPP, the Town of Kearney will be issuing me a “trespass notice” barring me from attending the Community Centre.

You can try, but you'll never be as creepy as this.
This is what Kearney has become: A police-state (no fault of the OPP) where our public officials will only be as minimally transparent as the letter of the law requires and will fiercely crush any attempts to publicize their mismanagement of town affairs. If you oppose Mayor Tomlinson you will be barred from his meetings. Certainly if Kearney’s Mayor and Council were proud of the their efforts and conduct they would have no qualms about the rest of the town being able to see a record of their meeting.

I would be more than happy to provide my video if you feel the incident is noteworthy.


Jeff Johnston Jr.

Thanks for your letter, Jeff. 

An interesting note: The previous council always allowed photography and videotaping. They even looked into setting up cameras and web-casting meetings for distant residents. But then the previous council had nothing to be ashamed of.

Monday, 7 May 2012

Henry Hess Gets Paid To Drive To Work

Did you know that Kearney's CBO Henry Hess lives in Parry Sound and travels about 80 kilometers to work in Kearney every day? Did you also know that the Town pays him 45 cents per kilometre? So, the CBO is billing the Town $72.00 a day for a round-trip of 160 km. That works out to an extra $360.00 a week, or another $18,000.00 a year of taxpayer money in his pocket on top of his tripled salary. No wonder the Town is trying to double-dip on building permits and ram septic inspections down our throats!

Are you surprised?

Tomlinson Blames the Former Town Treasurer

At the May 4, 2012 council meeting, former mayor Jeff Johnston asked Mayor Paul Tomlinson and Deputy Mayor Louise Wadsworth (who is also the Budget Coordinator) why the "Budgetary Control" document of March 31, 2012 showed a transfer from Reserves of over $2.2 million and where was this money actually coming from since the entire Kearney Reserves was only about $1.5 million.

Neither Tomlinson nor Wadsworth could answer the simple question. 

After Wadsworth fumbled around and rustled her papers for a while in the hope that everyone would get tired and go home, Tomlinson swooped to her rescue and explained this was probably "an odd accounting process applied by [the recently departed Town Treasurer]". Whew! The Town's in great shape after all! Thanks again, Paul! It's such a relief to know that it's someone else's fault. Again.

But ask yourself this: If the Mayor Tomlinson and Deputy Mayor Wadsworth, who created this budget, can't answer the question of the $2.2 million being pulled out your Town Reserves, is it because they haven’t got a clue (scary!) or are they are hiding something they don’t want you to know (scarier!)? 

Now ask yourself this: 

Are you surprised?

Does Council Endorse Tomlinson's Secret Surveillance?

Dear Concerned Citizens of Kearney,

A while back, while we were visiting Kearney, Mayor Tomlinson secretly photographed me and my family at an event at the Community Centre. Then he emailed out the pictures to members of Council, his friends, and members of the public with nasty and libelous remarks. Often when I visited McManus Beach with my young daughter, Mayor Tomlinson would be there taking pictures. Having already been the target of Mayor Tomlinson's very public harassment I was deeply concerned about my little girl now being drawn into his weird fixation, so I wrote to Kearney's Operations Manager Mr. Dean Hall. I also copied it to all members of Council. Compared to all what is currently happening in Kearney, this is ancient news and an old wound, but after long consideration I felt the people of Kearney should remember that there's more to be concerned about in the Town of Kearney than just Henry Hess, especially now that beach weather is approaching. Here's the letter I sent:
Dear Mr. Hall,

Before I enrol my daughter in any Town-sponsored events/classes/etc., specifically the swimming lessons,  I must insist that the Corporation of the Town of Kearney confirm in writing that neither Mayor Paul Tomlinson, members of council, or any town employee will take any photographs/video of me, my daughter, or any other member of my family. As you know, Mayor Tomlinson has, with his Blackberry, surreptitiously photographed me and members of my family in the past and the Corporation of the Town of Kearney has publicly posted these photos with libellous remarks. Last year, Mayor Tomlinson was present at my daughter’s swimming lessons and usually had his Blackberry in hand. I am sure that you will understand if I do not want my young daughter subjected to this kind of covert surveillance and public harassment.

I look forward to your written response.

Mr. Hall responded:

From: Dean Hall [mailto:Dean.Hall@townofkearney.com]
Sent: June-21-11 11:19
To: ____________________
Cc: barryinbarrie@yahoo.ca; Yvonne Aubichon; Elizabeth Stermsek; kevenkearney1@vianet.ca; kearneytomlinson@gmail.com; amurdy@bradleycoredrilling.com; stevesainsbury1@gmail.com; louiseinkearney@gmail.com; cricket8@xplornet.com; kearney1@vianet.ca;
Subject: RE: Swimming Lessons

Good morning Mr. __________,

Can you please clarify when and where the Corporation of the Town of Kearney “has publicly posted these photos with libellous remarks”?


Dean Hall
Operations Manager
Town of Kearney
8 Main St
P.O. Box 38
Kearney, ON P0A 1M0
(705) 636-7752
(705) 636-0527 - Fax

I wrote back to Mr. Hall (and council) with a copy of Mayor Tomlinson's nasty email to council, his friends, and various people around town and pointed out that when Mayor Tomlinson published our pictures and his remarks he signed it as the Mayor with:
Paul H. Tomlinson
Corporation of The Town of Kearney
8 Main Street
Kearney , ON P0A 1M0
705 636 - 1608

I felt that since Mayor Tomlinson had distributed our pictures as the Mayor, representing the "Corporation of The Town of Kearney" I should address my concerns to the Town of Kearney.

Operations Manager Dean Hall, the Mayor, and members of Council all refuse to make any assurances that I, my family, or anyone else would not, in the future, be the subject of covert surveillance by Mayor Tomlinson or any other creepy [bleep] representing of the Town of Kearney. Think about that when you're at the beach!

Name Withheld By Request.

"Hee hee hee"

Another Kearney Business Owner Looks Elsewhere

Dear Mayor Dunnett*,

I would like to introduce myself. My name is John Canning and for the past two years have being trying to give the town of Kearney a restaurant and other business. It has come to an end with their CBO Mr. Hess. I would like to have some input from you and council to now invest in your town. At your convenience, let’s sit down and see if we can bring the lost business back.


John Canning

*[Sam Dunnett is the mayor of Magnetawan.]

Lynne Godfrey Writes Council

Hello Concerned Citizens,

Although the attached letter was not on the agenda last night, it is now considered a public document and I'm sure will appear on the next one.

I asked for an update on the building permit process issue last night at the Council meeting and was told that if there is no response to the survey, they will have no reason to respond to the request.

As a result, I would like to encourage people to fill out the survey on the Town of Kearney website (www.townofkearney.com or direct link https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/KearneyBuildingPermitProcess) and provide information - good or bad - in order to keep this topic on the agenda. (Paper copies are available at the office I'm told)  The only question that HAS to be answered is #2.  Survey ends on May 8th, so time is of the essence.

I believe this is an important issue because...

1) There were 765 building permits issued between January 1, 2002 and December 31, 2011.  As at April 25, 2012, over 350 of those building permits were still open.  That's about half of the total number of permits issued.  Almost 70% of the ones issued in Proudfoot are still open.  Since the Town is going back even further to continue building the list, the number of open permits is only going to get higher.

2) This topic affects every single person in Kearney, as well as the contractors and other businesses here and the reputation of this Town.

Thanks in advance if you decide to publish this email and the attached letter.

Lynne Godfrey

April 29, 2012

Dear Mayor Tomlinson and Members of Council,

Thank you for acknowledging my letter dated March 23rd and my presentation to Council on April 13thby directing staff to draft a survey which is available on the Town of Kearney website.

Given the limited number of people that know about the survey and the short time frame to complete it (May 8thdeadline), I’m concerned that you will not get the response that you require to make informed decisions regarding open building permits and the building permit process.

The first question in the survey asks for the respondent’s name.  The reason I brought these concerns to Council in the first place was because people feared coming forward themselves in case of retribution on future projects.  With the first question asking for names, these same people are telling me that they will not be filling in the survey.

I’m not sure why my knowledge of the building code was one of the questions.  That shouldn’t have any relevance on my building permit process experience.  As an accountant, I have to educate people all the time on CRA’s rules and regulations.  I would hope the CBO is willing to do the same with respect to the Building Code.

As I mentioned in my presentation, I think the majority will agree that the new CBO’s availability and the turnaround time on permit applications has greatly improved.

Again, my concern is not with the application portion of the building permit process, but with the implementation of the Building Code itself and the concern that Mr. Hess is adhering to a different set of building regulations than the building inspectors in neighbouring communities.  This results in $1000s of extra expenditures for new builds and retrofits. 

Why are some things acceptable in other communities, but not here? 
Why are people hiring someone to act as a liaison between the homeowner and the building inspector? 
Why do the people of Kearney have to build for the 100-year storm, but neighbouring communities do not? 

Kearney is becoming unattractive to those who want to build a new home or cottage, expand, renovate, reside or purchase property in this area and it’s stunting the growth of Kearney as a result.

I’m concerned that a lack of response to the survey will be interpreted as this issue being either non-existent or non-important.  I reiterate my April 13thpresentation when I say that people are not building this year as a result of the experiences that fellow residents are having with the current building inspector.

I ask that you address these concerns immediately as the livelihood of both taxpayers and contractors hangs in the balance.

I look forward to the next Council meeting on May 4that 6:00pm and to your response to the concerns that I have brought forward.

Thank you again for your consideration.
Lynne Godfrey