Dear Concerned Citizens:
It would appear that based on the upcoming Council Meeting on May 25th - that Council intends to pass an amendment to one of our By-laws: Is Kearney living in a Totalitarian State? When something that this Council doesn't like they simply write or amend a by-law to prohibit it? What happened to the openness and transparency of government? I wonder what Canadians would say if our Federal or Provincial Governments adopted the same policy and discontinued their broadcasts of their Council and Parliament meetings? In fact, most municipalities have cameras in meetings so that those that cannot attend - like the disabled - can at least view the proceedings. Instead of hiding behind this bylaw so that those that are infirm can no longer at least be party to the "goings on" of this Council - they should be making steps forward and in fact installing cameras so that webcasts of these meetings could be made MORE public for those that can't attend!!! I know several people personally that would love to be able to attend - but since these meetings are held at the most inopportune time for many cottagers - they cannot.
Wake up Paulo!!! Step into the new age of electronics! Maybe you should take a good hard look at who pays the majority of the taxes here in Kearney! Cottagers that own lakefront property - that's who! Remember that you chose to run for this office and are subject to public scrutiny - all members of council were aware of their duties and responsibilities to the electorate when they ran for their positions. Recording a PUBLIC official, in a PUBLIC place is the right of every citizen.
And remember - that any bylaw that is created by this town is still subject to being tested by our justice system. I would suggest that this amendment flies in the face of our constitutional rights!
Disgraceful is what comes immediately to mind!
NOTICE OF INTENT TO AMENDThe Council of the Corporation of the Town of Kearneyintends to amend the Procedural By-law 2011-69 at the Council meeting of May 25, 2012 as follows:Definitions: variousRegular MeetingsSection 5.2 (a) Permanent start time of Regular Council meetingsAgendas and Supporting MaterialSection 9(3)(1.) Call the meeting to order followed by A Moment of Silence for Deceased Members of theCommunityConduct of Members of Council, Committees and Staff and Conduct of Guests and Those inattendanceSections 12 & 13 Prohibit use of individual electronic recording devices and mobile devices in meetingsProhibit use of indecent, offensive, threatening, abusive, belittling or insulting
I strongly encourage all citizens of Kearney to attend this meeting and voice their concerns regarding this blatant attack on Democracy!!!
Please with hold my name and email address, thank you!