Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Report on 2011

Over the past year we have had a lot of fun making fun of Mayor Paul “Pauldo” Tomlinson and his sidekick Councillor Barry “The Butterfly” Dingwall. But running a town is serious business and this is the time to seriously reflect on the performance of Mayor Tomlinson and members of his council, and where we think Kearney is headed.

Here’s our Report Card:

A – Outstanding, B – Very Good, C – Satisfactory, D – Poor, F – FAIL

Mayor Paul H. Tomlinson: F

To be fair, we’ll let you be the judge. Following the Report Card, we have provided why we think Mayor Tomlinson is a big arrogant, do-nothing dud. But you decide, and if you provide compelling information to the contrary we will publish it. However, it is abundantly clear that Tomlinson has set the tone for this term of council, pitting the seasonal cottagers against the full time residents, focusing on bureaucracy while ignoring the needs and betterment of the community, and using his office as Mayor to punish anyone who defies him. Interviews, articles, editorials, and notifications in the Almaguin News bear this out.

Councillor Ken Ball: B+

Councillor Ball is a positive and constructive thinker. He’s service-oriented and tries very hard to obtain positive support from other members of council. He’s still not “A” list material, but trying.

Councillor Barry Dingwall: F-

Why Councillor Dingwall is even on council is a mystery, except maybe to waive fees for his friends. He wants nothing to do with the public that he swore to serve. He knows nothing of their needs, and it’s amazing he can even function suffering as he does from chronic foot-in-mouth disease. If Dingwall has one redeeming quality it’s that he makes Tomlinson look like a rock star by comparison.

Councillor Art Murdy: C

Councillor Murdy isn’t around much but does make good sense at the council table and at the Fire Board. If Councillor Murdy was more involved he'd have the potential to move to B. Maybe.

Councillor Steve Sainsbury: C-

Councillor Sainsbury likes to talk the talk, but often fails to walk the walk. His Service Review closed the heated washrooms at Lions Park and sidewalks are no longer plowed. However, Councillor Sainsbury’s strength is in his presentation capabilities and in his support of the others who are really doing something. Sainsbury started out as a solid “F” but in the last year has distanced himself from Tomlinson and Dingwall at the council table.

Councillor Louise Wadsworth: D

Councillor Wadsworth seems genuinely interested in doing things for the betterment of Kearney so we gave her a “B”. Unfortunately, Councillor Wadsworth thinks we are all stupid and likes to play “smoke and mirrors”, juggling numbers and facts to conceal the disastrous financial path the town is on. Same old, same old. For this we gave her an “F”. So, it averages out to a “D”.

Councillor Yvonne Wills: A+

This is a no-brainer. Councillor Wills puts her heart and soul into her job, is open and honest, and when she screws up (which is rare), she takes her lumps. However, when it comes to achievements, Councillor Wills tops the charts: Regatta 2011 was the best ever, the new Community Centre kitchen looks terrific and didn't cost us a cent, and excellent attendance and moral support at volunteer functions and events. Mayor Tomlinson hates her and does everything he can to sabotage and harass her, or take credit for her accomplishments. But it’s starting to backfire on Tomlinson as some of his cronies have recently stopped turning a blind eye and are running interference.

Now let’s look at the specifics of the mess, huge costs, and destruction that Mayor Tomlinson has unleashed upon Kearney over the past year. Tomlinson likes to strut around in his Chain of Office for the cameras, but as soon as the going gets tough, he swims for shore faster than a cruise ship captain. The Mayor likes to play Head of Council, but will whine that he’s “only one voice” as soon as any criticism comes his way. Let’s face it Paul, like a ship's captain you are ultimately responsible, and we hope you will do the honourable thing, and resign. 

So, for the record, we attribute all of the following to Mayor Tomlinson and rate him accordingly:

a) Cancels the Economic Development Committee at a time when businesses in Kearney are closing or relocating away from Kearney, and others are put through the wringer for re-zoning, minor variances, and building permit recycling in an effort to justify the now full-time CBO/By-Law Enforcement Officer's salary.

b) Cancels the Chief Building Official Agreement with Perry Township that used to cost taxpayers approximately $10,000 per year ($35,000 billed less $25,000 in permit fees). Having ticked Perry off, Tomlinson is forced to hire a full-time CBO at $110,000/year, which will cost the taxpayers approximately $70,000/year. Over 4 years this will cost the Kearney taxpayers more than $250,000.

c) Limits number of volunteers on committees, then lies about it at the March Town Hall meeting. We’ve already provided a copy of the notice that was published in the Almaguin News. Maybe His Worship doesn’t read the papers.

d) Cancels the Beautification and Kearney Community Centre Committees and instead, creates “Friends of…”, plus a lot of confusion and demoralization.

e) Snubs our MP and MPP at the 2011 Kearney Dog Sled Races, then lies about it. Guess what? Both MP and MPP will not be attending the 2012 Kearney Dog Sled Races. So ends that tradition.

f) Cancels the Volunteer Appreciation Night and instead, hosts a “by invitation only” catered dinner paid for with $3500 of taxpayer's money. Invitations included the executives of the Proudfoot Property Owners Associations as a reward for putting him in office, while many volunteers were snubbed.

g) Cancels the Lord’s Prayer. But Tomlinson doesn’t believe in God, so no surprise there.

h) At the March 2011 town hall meeting, promises to plow the Allister Johnston Memorial Bridge sidewalk, so children and elderly don’t fall into the river. This isn’t being done, and the piled snow, packed by snowmobiles, has lowered the railing clearance to a very dangerous level.

i) Transfers 2010 Budgetary Surplus into 2011 Budget as “Operating Capital”. Because the 2010 budget cut taxes 9.5% to offset waterfront properties in Proudfoot who have had their MPAC assessments increased by 9.5%. Meanwhile, no new grants were being pursued, revenues in general are down and expenses are up. To help compensate, Tomlinson dips into the Reserves.

j) Replaced town dock with volunteers and grant funding arranged by Town Beautification Committee then killed the committee and kicked out the volunteers.

k) Regatta 2011: With the rest of the Proudfoot Four voted down Regatta until the townspeople showed up with torches and pitchforks, then gave Councillor Wills and her committee such a hard time that the entire Regatta 2011 Committee resigned following the most successful Regatta ever.

l) Regatta 2012: Not one volunteer has come forward to take on Regatta 2012. It looks like Mayor Tomlinson will get his wish and become the mayor who killed the Kearney Regatta. Something for the bicentennial history book. We'll make sure our blog is preserved for posterity.

m) Puts a budding local business through a 15-month wringer of red-tape, possibly forcing their business into bankruptcy.

n) The Senior Office Manager resigns. This speaks volumes about the low morale in the municipal office. After cancelling the traditional Christmas turkeys, Tomlinson tells the town staff they should just be grateful they still have jobs. The Proudfoot Four also cancelled the traditional donation to the local Food Bank. Then gave themselves raises.

o) Cancels the Roads Committee leaving not one iota of roads experience on this council or town management.

p) Delayed the Highway 518/Chetwynd Reconstruction Project Phase 3 for at least a year. A roads committee would have been on top of this one. Now Kearney has to hire a private engineering firm to pick up the ball before he loses the grant money ($2.8 million). Keep in mind that Tomlinson had to return the Swim Program Grant in 2008 because he violated the conditions of that grant. By the way, Phases 3 and beyond are all in Proudfoot Township.

r) Winter is almost over and the sidewalks in Kearney do not get plowed. At least 2 seniors have suffered slips and falls. Councillor Barry Dingwall's sentiments are that we don’t have sidewalks in Proudfoot so why should the town plow anyone else’s sidewalks. Mayor Tomlinson nods in agreement.

Early in 2011, a petition was circulated calling for Mayor Tomlinson’s resignation. Although there was strong support for the petition at the time, some felt that we should give Mayor Tomlinson time to recognize the destructive track he has been on and to change his attitude. Mayor Tomlinson has not changed is attitude for the better, has not learned from his many errors, and continues to lead Kearney down a road to ruin.

Can Kearney afford another 3 years of this arrogance and stupidity?

And now, Tomlinson and his Proudfoot Association buddies intend to reduce members of council from 7 to 5 for the 2014 election. If you think Proudfoot is controlling council now, do nothing and witness the ultimate demise of Kearney in 2014.

Are You Surprised?

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