Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Council Responds

Kearney councillor Yvonne Wills writes:
Dear Concerned Citizens:

To correct your recent Blog entry regarding the Change in Council Times for Kearney Council.  First, I presented a “Resolution” to Council several months ago, with reference to the Council meeting times.   I asked Council consideration to move to a Winter Hours schedule, being an earlier start time.  This was approved by Council for the winter months only.  The reason I requested this was a) because most Seasonal residents do not attend the winter months meetings as many close their cottages after October. b) An earlier start time in respect of Staff who I am sure would probably rather be at home then at a Council meeting, however, some of our staff live out town, and must travel late at night and due to Winter weather conditions, and earlier finish time for Council allows them time for travel home earlier in the evening. c) This travel time is also more practical for other attendees as well.  The 7 pm Council Start time will resume in the spring again.   This was advertised in the Newspapers over 2 weeks ago to advise all of the change in Start time.    The fact that the Website was not updated was unfortunate and we do apologize for that, and I have notified staff to make those changes on the website immediately.


Yvonne Wills
For the Town of Kearney

Thank you Ms. Wills. It was very gracious of you to take the time to apologize personally. It did take us a bit to find the announcement, even knowing that it was there to find. An announcement on the town's website will certainly alleviate a lot of confusion.

It's ironic that the arguments put forward are the same arguments presented when the current council decided that, instead of holding meetings alternately on Wednesdays and Friday nights, to switch to Friday nights only:
  • Staff and attendees would rather be home on Friday nights.
  • Staff and attendee safety (Driving at night in inclement weather, a greater number of impaired drivers).
  • Seasonal residents showing little or no increased attendance. (Saturday "Town Hall" meetings seem to generate better attendance and involvement)
  • Increased cost in staff overtime.
I'm sure that everyone appreciates the efforts you've made. Again, thank-you for taking the time to set the record straight on this issue. I'm sure you'll be hearing from Mayor Tomlinson once he learns you've been talking to us.

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