Monday, 31 October 2011

Council's Latest Trick

Since the new council took office last year, council meetings have been held at 7PM on Friday nights so, according to Mayor Paul Tomlinson, cottagers and working townsfolk can easily attend:

"[Weekend meetings] was a big issue that was in my campaign platform and we heard from the public, in no uncertain terms, if we are to [be] open and transparent Wednesday afternoon at 1 pm does not allow residents of Kearney to attend the council meetings."
And attendance didn't increase one iota.

At least not because of the new and improved day and time. Attendance has only increased recently because of huge delegations of pissed off residents trying (unsuccessfully) to get council to do something for the Town instead of themselves for a change. "You want Council to apply for provincial/federal grant money for road improvements the Town won't fund? We've got better things to do. Next!"

Now, Mayor Tomlinson and council are backing away from their commitment to greater accessibility and starting the meetings at 6PM, but still advertising on the Town's website that meetings start at 7. So anyone hoping to attend the Question Period will discover they've arrived an hour too late. "Gosh, Council would have loved to have answered your questions about the current mess the town is in, but you came too late. Next!"

And even if people know that meetings really start at 6PM, does Tomlinson really expect that 9-to-5ers and cottagers are going to be able to get there in time? Apparently, Tomlinson doesn't really care all that much "allowing residents of Kearney to attend council meetings" after all. At least not the Question Period part, eh Paul?

Are you surprised?

From the Town of Kearney website, today.

From the minutes of the October 28th Council Meeting

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