Friday, 29 July 2011

Mayor Paul Tomlinson loves the Volunteers!

Or does he?

On July 23rd, after much pushing and prodding, Mayor Tomlinson finally hosted a Volunteer Appreciation dinner for a group of about 150 attendees, which sounds noble…

BUT, instead of volunteering their own time and effort, the Proudfoot Four (Mayor Tomlinson, and Councillors Sainsbury, Dingwall, and Wadsworth) had the event catered to the tune of $3,500 of taxpayers' money. In past years, members of town council (and often their families) would roll up their sleeves and really show their appreciation by themselves volunteering. This year, Tomlinson had to do something to woo back the volunteers he’s been treating like dirt since getting elected, but the Proudfoot Four would never lower themselves to serving anyone who is clearly beneath their station, so they simply threw a lot of taxpayer money at it.

BUT, the dinner was by invitation only and a huge number of volunteers were snubbed.

BUT, Proudfoot property owners association members (GLLRG and SLAPOA) all received invitations. Maybe because they volunteered (wink, wink) to raise funds and campaign for the Proudfoot Four?

BUT, here’s the real hypocrisy:

At the July 15th Council meeting, Councillors Dingbury & Sainswall tabled a motion to deny the Burk's Falls Food Bank any further donations from the Town of Kearney. Nice. You guys are all heart. There are dozens of families in Kearney who use the Food Bank to make ends meet. These same families struggle to pay their property taxes, which Mayor Tomlinson had no qualms in using to host a dinner where all his fat-cat Proudfoot buddies could belly up to the buffet table for a free feed.

Wine and dine your buddies, waive rezoning fees for your campaign manager, but let those icky Townies go hungry.

Are you surprised?

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