Saturday, 11 December 2010

Art Murdy is the New Deputy Mayor

Mayor Paul Tomlinson has appointed Councillor Art Murdy as Deputy Mayor.

We have nothing against Art, but is it really all that smart to have a Deputy Mayor that's only in town on weekends? One duty the Deputy would have, if the Mayor is absent, is to sign the paycheques for the town. How's he going to do that if he's at home in Sudbury?

Would it not have made more sense to appoint a councillor like Yvonne Wills?
  • She's a full-time Kearney resident.
  • She's very dedicated to the betterment of the town.
  • She received the most votes of ALL candidates, which demonstrates that she has the confidence of most of the ratepayers of Kearney.
So why not Yvonne? Why Murdy, who received less votes?

Well, we know that Tomlinson couldn't appoint one of his cronies without the  already pissed off town rioting, so that eliminated Wadsworth, Sainsbury, and Dingwall. So that left Murdy as the only Seasonally-sympathetic councillor available.

And, of course, it's well known that Councillor Wills won't play favourites and doesn't kowtow to Tomlinson or the cottage associations, making her an automatic enemy of the Proudfoot Four.

So, if you work for the town, you better hope Tomlinson signs your paycheque before he goes on holidays or you'll have to wait until Saturday (weather permitting, of course).

Are you surprised?

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