Tuesday 7 May 2013

A Reader Kindly Corrects Us

pogo p possum
Mon, May 6, 2013 at 11:39 AM
To: "kearneyconcernedcitizens@gmail.com"

Put your name behind this anonymous pile of uniformed [sic] crap and perhaps an open and transparent dialogue might ensue. We know where this is coming from and tire of this endless repetition of the same old WRONG story. Tick tock though the chickens are coming home to roost. Hope you got deep pockets .

pogo p possum
Mon, May 6, 2013 at 5:29 PM
To: "kearneyconcernedcitizens@gmail.com"

People of Kearney demand openness and transparency of the Blog

pogo p possum
Mon, May 6, 2013 at 10:16 PM
To: "kearneyconcernedcitizens@gmail.com"

Actually its [sic] YOUR not You're and like your understanding of the Town's finances you FAIL in both regards.

Apparently, our take on the current Draft Budget is a "pile of uniformed* crap", but the only error Pogo corrects us on is a typo in the title of one of our articles. Thanks, Pogo (if that is your real name)! Error corrected.

And if our understanding of the budget is so flawed, why not demand that the draft be made public so the people of Kearney can decide for themselves?

*It should be "uninformed", not "uniformed". And "have deep pockets", not "got deep pockets". And "it'sYOUR", not "its YOUR". We won't even mention your punctuation. Good effort though. Write us again; That was fun!

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