Saturday 6 April 2013

Another reader responds

***Concerned Citizens – I wish to remain Anonymous please***

In response to “A member of Proudfoot Extols Mayor Tomlinson’s virtues”

Sounds like the writer, has his snoot in a bottle – maybe he should go back and have another Scotch with his buddy Paul.

Inbred F*cks, well takes one to know one!  As a matter of fact, this Proudfooter hasn't raised his/her head from the glass long enough to realize Wadsworth is not the Deputy Mayor any more.

And Bravo!  So you think this Town would be in ruins if it weren't for the Mayor, well buddy you know nothing, this Town is in ruins because of the Mayor! He just likes to hide behind Closed Doors to create his havoc ……….. and spend your Tax payer dollars foolishly - His little secret, he doesn't want you “PROUDFOOTER’S” to know the real Paul Tomlinson.

Go have another drink.


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