Thursday 14 March 2013

Kearney Still Closed For Business

The Proudfoot Bunch have been trying to convince everyone that The Concerned Citizens of Kearney blog will scare away potential investors because we've been exposing the red-tape and roadblocks this Council has been throwing at everything. We warned that the Proudfoot Bunch's "Can't-do" attitude was driving away business and investors, but it's easier for the Proudfoot Bunch to try to shoot the messenger than take any responsibility for the tailspin Kearney is in.

It's not The Blog however, that drove the Trailside Adventure Company out of Kearney, it was Mayor Paul Tomlinson's red-tape, piled on by the shovelful by his CBO Henry Hess.

Trailside Adventure Company owner, Robin Carson told the Almaguin News, "We have tried to grow in Kearney but we haven’t been very successful at that. We have just had too many roadblocks so when this opportunity came we jumped at it." Referring to their decision to close shop in Kearney and move to Emsdale where they were "welcomed with open arms" instead of a bureaucratic nightmare.

Not once in the article is the Big Bad Blog mentioned as a reason for the business moving.

Are you surprised?

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