Saturday 27 October 2012

What happened to the polls?

Until a few days ago we were running three polls:

  1. Should Tomlinson, Dingwall, and Sainsbury declare a conflict of interest whenever [Tim Brown's] "Ethical Wealth Corporation" comes to Council looking for favours?
  2. Is all of Kearney better off since the abolition of the wards system?
  3. Has Mayor Paul Tomlinson worn out his welcome in Kearney?

Then, unexpectedly, the polls all reset themselves to zero. Instead of starting the polling over, we decided that since the numbers had remained constant throughout, we would just let the results stand. We didn't record the exact numbers, but the results were roughly:

Poll 1: 90-95% said YES
Poll 2: 90-95% said NO
Poll 3: 90-95% said YES

We thought about a new poll, "Do you think Tomlinson, Dingwall, or Sainsbury* give a damn what the people of Kearney want?", but we already know the answer to that.

Our thanks to the hundreds who voted!

*Sainsbury has been known to change his tune if he thinks it's politically in his best interest.

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