Monday 9 July 2012

They Don't Even Try To Hide It

Timothy A. Brown
At the council meeting on June 15th, 2012, two things happened:

First, Tim Brown came to council (Sort of. It was Brown's lackey Scott Richards, again) asking for a variance on a piece of property Brown owns at 4290 Chetwynd Road. Despite the clear conflict of interest, the Proudfoot Four were about to grant their buddy the variance when someone in the public gallery asked about the environmental impact. Oops. Issue deferred.

Then, in the same meeting, Deputy Mayor Lousie Wadsworth and her three cohorts voted her hubby Cam Wadsworth onto the Environmental and By-law Advisory Committee. What's another breach of ethics and the Municipal Act when you've committed so many, eh?

After watching all this blatantly unfold, we predicted:

"... don't be surprised if Tim Brown's environmental concerns suddenly go away."

And guess what happened at the council meeting on July 5th...

Tim Brown's environmental concerns went away! No impact study required, old buddy!


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