Tuesday 25 October 2011

Consider This:

A concerned citizen wrote us with some additional thoughts on the Sidewalk Snow Clearing bylaw issue.

Scenario 1:

An owner or tenant of a property, worried about being fined, is outside in the middle of a winter storm, furiously shovelling snow and chopping ice on the sidewalk.

He or she would certainly not be doing this miserable job (which the Town is responsible for under provincial law) were it not for the bylaw and the ever-circling Henry Hess. What happens if the homeowner or tenant is injured? He or she may suffer a disabling back injury or a heart attack from lifting the heavy snow. Would the Town be liable?

If so...

Scenario 2:

An owner or tenant of a property throws out his back while carrying firewood. In agony, he or she grabs a snow-shovel and stumbles out front to collapse on the sidewalk, where they wait for Mayor Tomlinson to show up with his chequebook.

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