Wednesday 24 August 2011

Tim Brown is Back... Again... For the Fourth Time

Remember Tim Brown, Dingwall and Sainsbury's campaign manager and fund-raiser? We first introduced him here and spoke about him again here.

Well this Friday (August 26th), Tim will be back before council as a "delegation" to get the Proudfoot Four's approval on his revised site-plan for 4290 Chetwynd Road.

Must be nice to not have to file this stuff with the Chief Building Officer like everyone else. Heck, if this has to be dealt with at a council meeting, he should at least be on the agenda under "Public Hearings". A public hearing allows council and the public to ask the petitioner questions and express any concerns they might have. But Brown and the Proudfoot Four don't want questions asked or opinions expressed, so they've scheduled him as a "delegation" (for the FOURTH time). Under council meeting rules, the public and members of council are not allowed to ask questions (except for clarification) or express opinions. Convenient, huh? Do you think the Proudfoot Four will allow everyone who is applying for a building permit or building plan changes to come to council as a "delegation" and by-pass the CBO and the regular permit process? 

Yah, right...

Proudfooters: Get council, which is controlled by the Proudfoot Four, to approve your building plans.

Townies: Get stuck with CBO Henry Hess who will declare your permits invalid and your building inspector unqualified so Tomlinson can make up the budget short-fall on your backs.

Are You Surprised?

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